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                  INDUSTRY                 GOVERNMENT              INTERNATIONAL            EDUCATION
                  6-7                     8-9 12-13                                         14-15

                 ■ UK set for surge       ■ UK oil and gas        ■ Climate change         ■ Budget 2018:
                 in plants producing      industry receives fiscal   Only 16 countries     Apprenticeship fees
                 ‘green gas’              assurances in 2018      have emissions           halved to 5% for small
                                          Budget                  reduction targets to     businesses
                                                                  match climate change

                 ■ No-deal Brexit will
                 spell £16-a-tonne carbon
                 tax                      ■ Government sets up                             ■ University students
                                          gas storage inquiry                              asking for mental health
                 ■ Adverts for smart                                                       help up 50 per cent in
                 meter roll out banned                                                     five years
                 from claiming the
                 devices are ‘free’                               ■ United States
                                                                  Next wave LNG race
                                                                  hits hurdles in US trade
                                                                  war with China

                                          ■ Sustainable heat      ■ Canada
                                          hots up with £320m of   Trudeau: carbon tax
                                          government funding      critics want to ‘make
                                                                  pollution free again’    ■ Collapse of
                                                                                           apprenticeship provider
                  MANAGEMENT                                                               3aaa ‘sounds alarm

                                                                                           bells’ for employers

                 ■ Occupational health provision
                 for small employers could help
                 disabled people into work

                 ■ Discrimination against older
                 workers will remain ‘rife’ without
                 intervention, experts warn                        IGEM NEWS
                 ■ Gender pay gap at lowest
                 level yet, says ONS


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