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Tweets from             Welcome to the December/January edition

                          our readers
                                                   EDITOR’S LETTER

                 Installer magazine @Installermag                     DECEMBER. That’s 2018 pretty much over and
                 @IGEMGi chosen to develop                            done with. It’s at this point in the editorial calendar
                 new hydrogen standards as                            that I like to take a look to the future of the gas
                 part of the £25m government                          industry and what it holds for the energy system
                 Hy4Heat programme. Are you in                        as a whole. Well, I’ve peered into my crystal ball
                 favour of hydrogen boilers?                          and I can tell you: the future is, by all methods of
                                                                      divination, a digital one.
                                                                        With that in mind, this month’s Gi has gone all-out
                 Green Frog Power @GreenFrogPower                     for digital technology and how it is shaking up the gas
                                                                      industry. We thought about beaming this edition directly
                 Thanks to @IGEMGi Welsh          into your brains via Bluetooth, but apparently that idea “violated GDPR regulations”.
                 Section for hosting a great        In this edition, Ben Knight, Mechanical Engineer for Premtech, examines
                 annual dinner in Cardiff.        digital rehearsal technology that is reducing time and delivery costs for
                                                  construction projects in the gas industry.
                                                    The utility sector is experiencing a digital revolution and Jon Parr, Managing
                 S4TP @S4TP_BigIdeas              Director of Lowri Beck Services Smart meters, is here to talk us through the
                 Come and join us – are you an    latest innovations driving value in the energy supply chain.
                 @IGEMGi member and based           Cyber-attacks are no joke. In the last few years, the energy industry has been
                 in the West Midlands, London,    targeted by an increasing number of assaults from a progressively audacious
                 the South coast, Yorkshire or    band of cyber-terrorists. Amid the growing risk, National Grid has been working
                 Scotland? Do you want to be part   with Lagoni to secure a “eet of 25 compressors and terminals. Technology
                 of something truly #inspiring?   journalist Kate O’Flaherty has the details.
                                                    Petter Myrvang, Information Risk Manager for DNV GL Digital Solutions,
                 Get in touch with us!
                                                  explains how the spread of digital technologies in the oil and gas industry is
                                                  generating not only exciting new opportunities to improve performance, but
                                                  also new safety and security challenges, especially for gas networks.
                                                    And SGN CEO John Morea shares his vision for the future of the UK’s big four
                  Tell us what you think          gas distribution companies. How will the heat landscape change for Britain’s
                                                  homes and businesses over the coming decades?
                  Got something you want to get o¦   We’re also meeting the winner of IGEM’s EngTech of the Year Award,
                  your chest? We’re always happy   discovering some of the bene›ts of membership with our very own Ross
                  to hear any comments you might   McCart and we have four, yes four, pages of events news for your enjoyment.
                  have about Gi. If you have an     We hope you enjoy the December/January edition!
                  opinion you want to share with us,
                  email or write
                  to Editor Sharon Baker-Hallam at
                  IGEM House, 26 & 28 High Street,
                  Kegworth, Derby DE74 2DA. The
                  best letters and emails we receive
                  will be featured on this page.  Sharon Baker-Hallam BA (Hons) AIGEM, Editor
                                                  Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM)


                 IN HONOUR OF International       place. When they volunteer, they
                 Volunteer Day (IVD) on 5 December,   help to improve the lives of others
                 we’d like to take this opportunity   and they also gain a greater sense of
                 to give heartfelt thanks to all our   belonging to their communities.
                 dedicated volunteers who help to   So, in that spirit, we’d also like to
                 keep our Institution working for you.   remind all our members of the many
                   Designated by the United Nations in   volunteering opportunities IGEM can
                 1985, IVD is a chance to celebrate the   provide for those generous folk willing to
                 power and potential of volunteering.  give a few hours of their precious time to  ■ We have tonnes of volunteer
                   The act of volunteering is found in   helping others. From mentoring fellow  opportunities available and we’d love
                 all cultures, languages, and religions.   engineers, to sitting on our Council, to  to hear from you. If you’d like to know
                 Each year, hundreds of millions of   working on our technical panels or   more about o€ering your time to
                 people volunteer their time and skills   helping out with Section events, there  IGEM, email
                 to help make the world a better   is something for everyone. ■    and let us know your areas of interest.


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