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                 December/January 2019

                 16-18             THE VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTION SITE
                                   Digital rehearsal can reduce both the time and costs involved
                                   in delivering a successful project, bringing new innovative
                                   technologies into the gas industry. Ben Knight, Mechanical
                                   Engineer for Premtech, examines this new technology

                 20-21             COUNTERING CYBER THREATS
                                   TO GAS NETWORKS
                                   The spread of digital technologies in the oil and gas industry is
                                   generating exciting new opportunities but brings new safety and
                                   security challenges. Petter Myrvang, Information Risk Manager
                                   for DNV GL Digital Solutions, explains

                 24-25             UNDER LOCK AND KEY  HOW OPEN SOURCE
                                   IS SECURING THE UK’S ENERGY SECTOR
                                   Amid increasing risk of cyber-attacks, National Grid has been
                                   working with Lagoni to secure a ‰eet of 25 compressors and
                                   terminals. Technology journalist Kate O’Flaherty reports

                 26-27             THE DIGITAL FRONTIER

                                   The utility sector is experiencing a digital revolution and Jon
                                   Parr, Managing Director of Lowri Beck Services Smart meters,
                                   is here to talk us through the latest innovations driving value in
                                   the energy supply chain.

                 28-29             TIMES THEY ARE ACHANGIN’

                                   SGN’s long-standing CEO John Morea shares his thoughts on
                                   the role gas networks will have in keeping Britons safe and
                                   warm into the future


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