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No-deal Brexit will spell                                                 Group, which has been
                                                                                           investing in converting its
                 £16-a-tonne carbon tax                                                    coal-‚red power plants to
                                                                                           burning wood pellets with
                                                                                           the help of UK government
                                                                                             “It provides investors with
                                                                   School of Economics.    certainty and is a critical
                                                                    “It’s probably high enough   factor in ensuring an end to
                                                                   to keep coal o„ the system   the use of coal in the power
                                                                   in the next couple of years.   system,” Mr Gardiner said.
                                                                   But the question will be   The Treasury said in its
                                                                   what they decide in the   autumn budget document
                                                                   longer term.”           that the proposed tax
                                                The tax is contingent   Under the plan, the UK   would apply to all
                                                  on a no-deal Brexit  would essentially have two   “stationary installations
                                                                   separate yet ‚xed carbon   currently participating
                                                                   prices, including the current   in the EU ETS” from
                 THE UK WILL INTRODUCE    the UK’s commitment to   carbon price support    the beginning of April,
                 a provisional £16-a-tonne   reducing pollution.   system — commonly       if Britain leaves the EU
                 carbon emissions tax in the   The announcement, while   known as the carbon “oor   without a deal.
                 event of a no-deal Brexit as   contingent on a no-deal   — which has been frozen   “A rate of £16 would
                 part of contingency plans   Brexit, removes one of the   at £18 a tonne until 2021.  apply to each tonne of
                 to replace the EU Emissions   big uncertainties for UK   Combined, emissions will   carbon dioxide emitted over
                 Trading Scheme, according   power markets at a time of   be taxed at a ‚xed rate of   and above an installation’s
                 to The Financial Times.  great upheaval.          £34 a tonne in the UK, well   emissions allowance,
                   The level set by the     “This is essentially   above the £25 level most   which would be based
                 Treasury is broadly in line   replicating the role of the   analysts believe is needed   on the installation’s free
                 with the current EU ETS   EU ETS component in the   to make the use of cheaper   allowances under the EU
                 price, which suggests it   event of a no-deal Brexit,”   but highly polluting coal   ETS,” the Treasury said. It
                 would be high enough to   said Josh Burke at the   unattractive.          added that the carbon “oor
                 continue disincentivising the   Grantham Research Institute   The measure was   price could be reduced aœer
                 use of coal by power plants   on Climate Change and the   welcomed by Will Gardiner,   2022 “if the total carbon
                 and factories and maintaining   Environment at the London   Chief Executive of Drax   price” remained high. ■

                 Adverts for smart meter roll out banned                                   the ASA’s website.
                                                                                             An ASA spokesperson
                 from claiming the devices are ‘free’                                      said: “The use of the term
                                                                                           ‘free’ in ads can sometimes
                                                                                           cause confusion for
                                                   Gaz and Leccy are   £200 per household, with   consumers and should not
                                                    the smart meter   providers expected to pass   be used unless something
                                                   rollout's mascots  on the costs to customers   is a genuine free o„er. It’s
                                                                  through higher bills.    important consumers are
                                                                    But as the cost of the   not misled so, in this case,
                                                                  programme spirals, energy   the advertiser agreed to
                                                                  ‚rms have blamed smart   amend their ad.
                                                                  meters as a reason for     “We recommend that
                                                                  a string of controversial   they use the term ‘at no
                                                                  price hikes.             extra cost’ instead, because
                                                                    The ASA said that because   consumers will be paying
                                                                  people would be paying   for the smart meter in the
                                                                  for smart meters indirectly   same way that they already
                 ADVERTS FOR THE          told Smart Energy GB,   through their bills they   pay for their current meter,
                 government’s smart meter   the industry body which   were not a “genuine free   which means it is not
                 roll out have been wrongly   produces the adverts, to stop  o„er”, meaning they should   technically ‘free’.”
                 claiming the meters are   making the claim in TV, radio   not be described as free.   Between April and August
                 ‘free’, advertising regulators   and print adverts.   The case was resolved via a   Smart Energy GB produced
                 have said.                The smart meter rollout   so-called “informal ruling”,   TV, radio and print adverts
                   The Daily Telegraph    was originally estimated to   meaning Smart Energy GB   which the ASA has said on
                 revealed that the Advertising   cost energy companies £11   avoided having the details   October 10 must not appear
                 Standards Authority has   billion, equivalent to around   of the case published on   again in their current form. ■


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