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                 By Thomas James,
                 Welsh Section Chair

                 THE WELSH SECTION’S visit to the
                 Cardi Energy Recovery Facility (ERF)
                 in October was attended by 10
                 delegates and was enjoyed by all.
                   The site receives around 250
                 lorries of black bag waste every day
                 from councils in the South Wales
                 area. This waste is burned with
                 electricity being generated from the
                 steam and heat. The representatives
                 of Viridor, which owns the facility,
                 were very helpful in answering a
                 large number of questions about the
                 process from the group.
                   The process is very e…cient and
                 safe with emissions treated to meet
                 the stringent European Waste
                 Incineration Directive (WID), which is
                 strictly enforced and monitored by
                 the Environment Agency and Natural
                 Resources Wales (NRW).
                   The visit included a tour of the site
                 control room, where one could see
                 into the waste bunker and observe
                 the grab cranes moving and mixing
                 the waste before it is burned in the
                 furnace at over 850°C.
                   The turbines produce up to 34MW   improving resource e…ciency.  alongside recycling, helps to meet
                 of electricity, which is fed into the   In addition, the process produces   land“ll targets.
                 electricity grid.                bottom ash (the bulk of the remaining   Energy recovery currently
                   The heat generated by the facility   materials), which is recycled for use as   accounts for approximately 1.5 per
                 can also be utilised locally, presenting   aggregate material in the construction   cent of UK electricity supply and
                 opportunities for additional     industry. The energy recovery process   this could rise to six per cent of the
                 commercial development and       is well established and, when used   UK total by 2020. ■

                 GAS PAST AND PRESENT

                 By Chris Hogg, North East &        In our region, we are perhaps most
                 Yorkshire Section Chair          familiar with the H21 project, however
                                                  there are a number of other projects
                 THE NORTH EAST & YORKSHIRE       being conducted in the UK and Europe
                 Section returned to the plush    that aim to demonstrate that hydrogen
                 surroundings of Rudding Park for this   has a role to play in the future.
                 year’s Chair’s event.              By collaborating with industry to
                   Following a light buet and some   integrate heat, transport and
                 networking, the Section welcomed its   commercial and industrial
                 speakers for the evening: Kate Jerey,   applications, we can ensure hydrogen
                 from the Health and Safety       has a part to play in decarbonising
                 Executive’s Centre for Energy, and   the future of the gas system.  second part examined gas and the gas
                 IGEM President Steve Edwards.      Steve’s presentation came in two   network as a key part of a resilient
                   Kate focused on the future of the UK   parts. The “rst looked at what IGEM   energy system.
                 gas system from a safety standpoint   can do to support you as an individual   Both presentations were very well
                 and looked in-depth at hydrogen   and the wide ranging bene“ts of being   received and sparked some challenging
                 research, both in the past and present.   a member of the Institution, and the   questions for our speakers. ■


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