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                 IGEM Technical Officer Tom Bancroft reports on                       UKLNG also provides advice and
                 his visit to MannTek in Sweden alongside members                  guidance to members and their
                 of UKLNG representing National Grid, BOC, Calor,                  customers on the safe and eective
                                                                                   use of LNG through the development
                 Avantigas, and Prima LNG                                          of industry documents with IGEM.

                 EARLIER THIS YEAR, UKLNG visited   more than 25 years.            IGEM is currently involved in
                 the Swedegas LNG Bunkering facility   The applications for this product   developing two standards with
                 in Gothenburg followed by a tour of   include the Viking Grace, the world’s   UKLNG:
                 MannTek’s factory in Mariestad.  largest LNG-fuelled passenger ferry.   •  IG/3 Response to road tanker
                   MannTek produces and markets     As part of the tour of the factory,   emergencies, which provides
                 products for the safe and        members had the opportunity to view   guidance for emergency situations
                 environmentally friendly handling of   a demonstration of the coupling in   involving road transportation of
                 uids for the chemical and       use and some members had a go at   LNG on public highways. The dra—
                 petrochemical industries. The main   connecting and disconnecting.   has been issued for industry
                 product is the dry disconnect coupling   Jason Smalley, founder of UKLNG,   comment, comments have been
                 for spill free liquid handling. These   said: “Thank you to MannTek for a   responded to and will be sent for
                 couplings are used in many       hugely bene€cial visit, it was a great   approval shortly.
                 applications such as oshore,    two days encompassing a tour of the   •  IG/4 Bulk transportation of LNG by
                 chemical, tank trunks, rail tankers and   manufacturing facility and a visit to   road, which covers the design,
                 the military.                    the Gothenburg ship fuel bunkering   construction, inspection,
                   Of particular interest to the   facilities operated by Swedegas.”  maintenance and operation of
                 members of UKLNG were the dry      UKLNG takes a leading role in   tanks and ancillary loading and
                 cryogenic couplings, which are   consultations and negotiations with   unloading equipment. The intent of
                 speci€cally designed for the LNG   policy makers, from championing and   this document is to establish
                 industry and can handle temperatures   guarding safety and technical   minimum requirements and drive
                 of -200°C.                       standards within the industry to   consistency throughout the
                   These use the same design      ensuring LNG is a key part of future   industry. The review is progressing
                 principles as the dry disconnect   plans to decarbonise heat, transport   well and the aim is to publish the
                 couplings, which have been in use for   and deliver cleaner energy in the UK.   document by Q2 of 2019. ■


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