Page 20 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
P. 20


                 TO DEPLOY

                 By Damien Hawke, Director of Future Networks, Cadent              the gas network – switching from the
                                                                                   ‘town gas’ stored in huge gasholders to
                       020 will forever be remembered   must be part of the future energy mix. In   the network distribution of North Sea
                       as the most extraordinary   the summer, the independent Committee   gas – took 10 years. Our industry, and
                       and tumultuous of years –   on Climate Change told the UK   in particular investors, now need clear
                       dominated by a pandemic    government that hydrogen was ‘critical’   direction in the form of confirmed UK
                2 disease and the unquestionable   to achieving net zero and that it needs   policy to have the confidence to start
                 global priority to save lives.   to be deployed at scale. It also said that   making this next huge change happen.
                   As the UK’s biggest gas distribution   early hydrogen projects must be off the   Why so much emphasis on hydrogen,
                 network, we’ve pulled out all the stops   ground in the 2020s.    then? There are so many reasons and
                 to maintain a safe and reliable supply   Clearly, that’s music to our ears here   we have talked about them often in
                 through this difficult period, so that   at Cadent. For some time now, we’ve   features here in Gi: it has zero carbon
                 millions of homes, hospitals, schools   championed hydrogen as a key part of   emissions at the point of use, it’s flexible
                 and offices, as well as industry and HGV   the future energy mix. We are simply   and very versatile, it can be stored, as a
                 fleets, have the ‘on demand’ gas supply   not going to reach net zero without it.  liquid or gas, ready for action when other
                 needed to pull us through.         But what we want to see is a whole   renewable sources like wind or solar
                   If anything, this has proven the value of   systems approach; the UK embracing   cannot. In the home, it will work in a
                 – and our reliance on – the gas network.  a combination of energy sources –   very similar way to the fossil fuel boilers
                   Unseen in most part because the   renewable electricity, biomethane from   we use now, meaning familiarity for the
                 vast majority of it is underground, this   food waste, heat pumps, hydrogen   consumer and therefore less likelihood
                 170,000-mile distribution network   boilers, electric cars and hydrogen fuel   of resistance to change.
                 has quietly kept energy flowing to all   cells for heavy transport. There is no   It is really the only answer for
                 corners of the UK. It is a national asset   one-size-fits-all solution to this.  UK heavy industry, which requires
                 – and it will have a major role to play in                        extraordinary amounts of energy. And
                 our recovery from coronavirus, in both   We believe we have turned   it is a realistic solution; so much more
                 the short and longer term.       a corner in showing that the     energy goes through gas pipes than
                   While our operational teams have                                down the electrical wires. To electrify
                 focused on keeping this existing   gas network must be part of    heat and transport, which combined
                 infrastructure in good working order,   the future energy mix. In the   make up over 85 per cent of total UK
                 we’ve not been distracted from another   summer, the independent   energy demand, 18 times more power
                 major challenge – that of having an   Committee on Climate Change   generation would be needed – or, put
                 energy system in the UK that runs at net                          another way, this would require 320,000
                 zero carbon emissions by 2050.   told the UK government that      additional 2.5MW wind turbines. Right
                   Because, to borrow a phrase, more so   hydrogen was ‘critical’ to   now, we have just under 11,000.
                 than ever we “feel the need, the need   achieving net zero and that it   This list of benefits goes on. We have
                 for speed”. We’ve come so far in recent                           always been keen though to stress that
                 years, in building and presenting the   needs to be deployed at scale  this is not an ‘either/or’ argument. We
                 evidence base that plots a pathway to                             firmly believe in the whole systems
                 the 2050 deadline. This tells us that, to   We are now at less than 30 years until   approach – finding solutions that
                 reach net zero, we need to start moving   deadline and delivering major change   fit, which might be electric for some
                 right now; we cannot delay.      like this won’t happen overnight.   things, hydrogen for others. Which is
                   For our part, we believe we have turned   Learning a lesson from history, we   why we’re working closely with the
                 a corner in showing that the gas network   know the last major conversion of   power network operators at local and


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