Page 22 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
P. 22

ready to deploy

                 national levels, to support regional
                 leaders in plotting pathways to their
                 own ambitious targets to reaching net
                 zero, often much sooner than 2050
                 (for example, see our recent report
                 published for Greater Manchester,
                 which wants to be net zero by 2038) .
                   We are actively leading projects
                 that turn the theory into action. We’re
                 only a few months away now from
                 completing our UK-first demonstration
                 trial on the university campus at Keele in
                 Staffordshire. This HyDeploy project is
                 blending up to 20 per cent hydrogen (by
                 volume) into this private gas network,
                 which feeds around 130 buildings. Using
                 the same pipes and same appliances, the
                 aim is to prove that hydrogen can work
                 safely, without any need to change what
                 we use now. We cannot understate the
                 significance of this – if we are allowed
                 to replicate blending like this at scale,
                 we would see huge carbon savings (the
                 equivalent to taking more than 2.5
                 million cars off the road).

                 These really are massive
                 moments in the journey to wider
                 use of hydrogen and, crucially,
                 a bridge to introducing 100 per
                 cent hydrogen

                   And that first ‘at scale’ opportunity
                 could well come in the form of another
                 project called HyNet, based in North
                 West England. Founded by Cadent and
                 Progressive Energy, it’s now become   at repurposing the existing network to   create the conditions and confidence
                 a much bigger consortium committed   carry 100 per cent hydrogen. Both these   needed for hydrogen to happen as
                 to developing one of the UK’s first   latter two are expected to reach critical   quickly as the net zero challenge needs
                 hydrogen industrial clusters. As well as   construction and/or demonstrating   it to. What we, as a supportive industry,
                 producing hydrogen for industrial use,   phases in the early 2020s.  now need is more certainty.
                 HyNet envisages using surplus hydrogen,   Our wider industry partners too have   The UK still lacks a clear national
                 blending it (again, at up to 20 per cent   kept a foot on the accelerator through   hydrogen strategy. There have been
                 volume) and supplying it to around two   the pandemic. For example, boiler   some incredibly encouraging signs
                 million homes in the North West.  manufacturers like Worcester Bosch,   coming from government that we
                   These really are massive moments   Baxi Heating and others are at advanced   should see that soon, as well as the
                 in the journey to wider use of hydrogen   stages of testing 100 per cent hydrogen-  Energy White Paper, which we now
                 and, crucially, a bridge to introducing   ready units. Some are being put through   expect to see shortly. This is an absolute
                 100 per cent hydrogen.           their paces as part of HyDeploy.  priority, so that industry can move its
                   Representing the four UK gas     So, really, we are now already talking   plan forward and the UK can take the
                 distribution networks, Cadent is on   in terms of months, not years. The pace   full advantage and be a world leader
                 the advisory panel for Hy4Heat, the   is fast - and necessarily so - if we are to   in hydrogen, reaping all the economic,
                 Department for Business, Energy and                               environmental and societal rewards
                 Industrial Strategy (BEIS) programme                              that would flow directly from doing so.
                 aiming to establish the safely and   The pace is fast - and necessarily
                 feasibility of 100 per cent hydrogen in   so - if we are to create the    For more information about HyDeploy,
                 residential and commercial buildings                              visit
                 and gas appliances. This programme   conditions and confidence
                 started in 2017 and is due to run until   needed for hydrogen to happen
                 March next year. We are also part-  as quickly as the net zero     References
                 funding the H100 project, which is   challenge needs it to. What we,
                 focused on construction of a new gas                               2020/helping-greater-manchester-reach-net-zero-
                 grid and new appliances (at 100 per cent   as a supportive industry, now   by-2038
                 hydrogen), as well as H21, which looks   need is more certainty


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