Page 31 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
P. 31


                                                      Ensure recovery packages work   inclusion must be present in any
                                                   1  together as a whole to pivot the   short-term measures to create jobs
                                                    UK towards a net zero economy. The   and in longer-term skills planning,
                                                    packages must stimulate immediate,   to reverse impacts and ensure that
                                                    low-regrets actions that help set   there is the capacity and capability
                                                    the UK on the path to achieving net   to transition to a net zero economy.
                                                    zero, recognising that this is only a
                                                    first step. Further large-scale and   Drive digital transformation as an
                                                    cumulative change is required over  4  essential enabler of net zero and
                                                    the coming decades.            resilience. Digital technologies offer
                                                                                   the opportunity to reduce carbon
                                                      Apply outcomes-based         and deliver wider benefits, including
                                                   2  procurement processes for all   resilience, through improvements
                                                    public sector infrastructure and   to existing infrastructure and
                                                    building projects with a focus on   buildings. Data allows individuals
                                                    low carbon, including projects that   and organisations to understand and
                                                    are part of the stimulus package.   manage carbon emissions, which is vital
                                                    Procurement is an essential lever   for meeting carbon reduction targets.
                                                    for transforming the construction
                                                    industry and driving decarbonisation   Deploy cross-sectoral systems
                                                    of the built environment.      5  approaches to policymaking that
                                                                                   underline the interconnectedness of
                                                      Prioritise diversity and inclusion   different policy areas and economic
                                                   3  for jobs and skills to reverse   sectors. This will ensure that policy
                                                    Covid-19 impacts and help build   interventions work most effectively
                                                    net zero capacity and strengthen   together to achieve net zero and
                                                    long-term capability. The pandemic   deliver cobenefits, reduce the risk
                                                    has had an inequitable impact on   of unintended consequences, and
                                                    women and the black, Asian and   help account for social, cultural and
                 industries such as aviation, rail and   minority ethnic (BAME) community.   behavioural factors, which can act as
                 energy-intensive manufacturing such   A strong focus on diversity and   both barriers to and levers for change.
                 as steel production and chemical
                 processing. Cumulative, connected
                 change is required across different
                 policy areas and economic sectors
                 to deliver net zero, and government
                 should consider the technologies that
                 will be needed and how people’s jobs
                 and lives will be impacted as a result.

                 Cumulative, connected change
                 In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis,
                 the UK is on a pivot. It could choose
                 to either revert to ‘business as usual’,
                 where the UK risks being locked into a
                 high-carbon future, falling short of its
                 legislated commitments and failing to
                 show global leadership in the lead-up
                 to COP26. Or it could instead choose
                 to make a bold move towards ‘better’.
                 Short-term economic stimulus can
                 set the UK on a confident trajectory   could take, which will secure a low-  the Covid-19 crisis. It focuses on the net
                 towards meeting its net zero territorial   carbon and resilient recovery.   zero challenge rather than broader ‘green’
                 emissions target by 2050 and creating a   These practical steps or building   issues, for example, resource efficiency
                 thriving, low carbon economy.    blocks will enable the UK to be an   and air quality, while recognising these
                   The National Engineering Policy   authentic and strong leader and cement   are not unconnected. It highlights
                 Centre (NEPC) calls for an economic   its place as a global science power by   the importance of a socio-technical
                 recovery that pivots the UK towards a   sending a powerful message about how   perspective, a key element of a systems
                 net zero future, rather than one that   the UK plans to make a step-change in   approach, and that learning from past
                 locks us into a high-carbon future. It   its response to climate change.   policy initiatives that have attempted to
                 offers five foundations, accompanied   The NEPC paper sets out an   deliver similar objectives is essential. The
                 by actions that the government,   engineering perspective on opportunities   government’s plans to support jobs and
                 engineering community and others   for decarbonisation as the UK responds to   deliver a low-carbon economic recovery


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