Page 33 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
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                                                                              34                               38

                                             40                               41                               42

                  34 industrial affiliates         40 ceo update                    42 technical

                     Wales & West Utilities launches guide to    In the downstream   Get involved in IGEM’s standards
                  engaging with the most vulnerable  IGEM CEO Neil Atkinson explains how    Technical standards
                     Europe’s largest LNG import terminal   Engineering Technicians will be an essential
                  secures the future of UK supplies   part of the gas industry’s future and how   43 membership
                     Cadent pledges to fund 40,000 meals for   IGEM intends to support this key group in
                  vulnerable children and families  the years ahead                  Welcome to our new members
                                                                                       New Industrial Affiliate members for IGEM
                  36 YPPC                          41 standards
                                                                                    43 Calendar
                   Meet the finalists               The situation room
                 Let’s meet the finalists of this year’s YPPC  Ahead of the relaunch of IGEM’s Gas
                                                  Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure, Dave   46 obituaries
                  38 social housing               Bendle, Chair of the IGEM/G/11 working
                                                  group, presents the main changes to the
                   Building a safe future         document
                 Kevin Ransom, IGEM Industrial Affiliate
                 Engagement Manager, explains how new
                 requirements for housing providers have
                 instigated major changes for the institution
                 and its members


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