Page 38 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
P. 38

igem news

                   SOCIAL HOUSING

                                                                                   and, to borrow a phrase, “they didn’t
                                                                                   know what they didn’t know”.
                                                                                     It soon became clear that IGEM
                                                                                   needed to understand this challenge
                                                                                   more fully. So, in November 2019 we
                                                                                   brought together a wide range of key
                                                                                   stakeholders from the sector for a full
                                                                                   day workshop. The workshop outlined
                                                                                   the concerns from the sector and
                                                                                   identified the potential for IGEM to
                                                                                   work closer with the sector to address
                                                                                   their needs.
                                                                                     To support and drive this forward,
                                                                                   in March 2020 the IGEM Social
                                                                                   Housing Working Group (SHWG) was
                                                                                   assembled from key stakeholders and
                                                                                   experts in the field.
                                                                                     IGEM Fellow Andrew Durber,
                                                                                   who chairs the IGEM UP/1 technical
                                                                                   panel, was invited to chair the SHWG.
                                                                                   Andrew’s vast experience gained both
                                                                                   from working in the sector and through
                                                                                   various IGEM gas utilisation panels
                                                                                   made him the perfect fit.
                                                                                     Andrew said: “This initiative by
                                                                                   IGEM to support the social housing
                                                                                   sector is both timely and welcome, and
                                                                                   I am pleased to be able work with my
                                                                                   colleagues on the newly-formed IGEM
                                                                                   Social Housing Working Group (SHWG)
                                                                                   to support it.
                                                                                     “The landscape for this sector
                                                                                   is rapidly changing following the
                                                                                   Grenfell tragedy; we know the sector
                                                                                   is adjusting and that the need to bring
                                                                                   safety compliance to the forefront has
                                                                                   hit home for us all. With the inevitable
                 BUILDING A                                                        speak for all of the SHWG members
                                                                                   changes in the coming years, I feel I
                                                                                   in saying that we will all do our best
                                                                                   to help IGEM support social housing
                                                                                   providers throughout this vital journey.”
                                                                                     In March 2020, the SHWG had its
                 SAFE FUTURE                                                       inaugural meeting and the world
                                                                                   changed as Covid-19 arrived in the
                                                                                   UK. Our response was swift and the
                                                                                   SHWG quickly agreed a phase one work
                                                                                   package and started work online.
                                                                                     During the intervening period, the
                                                                                   group has been collecting information
                 Kevin Ransom, IGEM Industrial Affiliate Engagement Manager,       from a wide range of sources to obtain
                 explains how new requirements for housing providers have          measured recommendations on how
                                                                                   IGEM can realistically help support the
                 instigated major changes for the institution and its members      social housing sector.
                                                                                     The SHWG is nearing its conclusion
                 THE TRAGIC EVENTS of Grenfell    multi-occupancy buildings.       and will shortly be putting forward
                 Tower in June 2017 are still vivid today.   Last year, IGEM saw a growing number   its recommendations. The plan is to
                 Following the Hackitt Review and the   of enquiries from councils and housing   launch an offer to this sector from first
                 publication of the Draft Building Safety   associations seeking a wide range of   quarter 2021.
                 Bill earlier this year, it is clear that   help and guidance. For the most part,
                 change will happen and impact those   this was driven by the realisation that    For more information on IGEM’s various
                 responsible for managing gas safety in   the landscape in the sector was changing   working groups, visit


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