Page 37 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
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igem news – yppc

                 projects in areas including emergency   Wales & West Utilities, firstly as an   biomethane sites. David will explain
                 response, cathodic protection and   Admin Assistant and from early 2019   how, as an analyst, it is his job to
                 hydrogen for transport. He is now   as the Customer Support Officer (CSO)   make sure these power generation
                 working as the Cadent project manager   for Bristol and Gloucester. Prior to   and biomethane sites can be
                 for HyDeploy 2 (public demonstrations   this role, she graduated with a degree   connected without causing an issue
                 of hydrogen blends).             in Education and worked as a teacher   to the network.
                                                  before applying her skills to the
                 HyDeploy 2 - Public Demonstrations of   coaching and developing aspects of
                 Blended Gas                      her role, working with the teams out   Far East District Section
                 The purpose of HyDeploy is to generate   on the ground.           Theo Wong
                 the evidence base to demonstrate that a                           Engineer, The Hong Kong and
                 blend of hydrogen up to 20mol% within   Coaching, Supporting and Optimising  China Gas Co Ltd
                 Great Britain’s gas grid is ‘as safe as’   The presentation is about coaching   Theo formerly worked as an Engineer
                 current natural gas. HyDeploy 2 builds   teams working on mains replacement   in the Customer Maintenance Services
                 on the foundational work at Keele   projects to improve their customer   Department of the Hong Kong and
                 University. The project will be the first   satisfaction. Katie is developing   China Gas Co Ltd. He is deeply
                 deployment of hydrogen into the public   customer service in a sustainable way   involved in a broad range of projects,
                 gas network in Britain.          to maintain an excellent customer   focused on gas utilisation, operation
                                                  experience, helping teams to achieve   process improvement and new
                                                  customer service targets by feeding   technology adoption.
                 Scottish Section                 back comments and supporting the
                 Stuart Sherlock                  team commitment statements for   An Innovative Approach for Gas Service
                 Innovation Project Officer, SGN  improvement.                     Riser Inspection and Analytics
                 Stuart graduated with a BEng Hons in                              The conventional approach for gas
                 Mechanical Engineering before going on                            service riser inspection and analytics
                 to a graduate programme in the oil and   Welsh Section            relies on the use of labour resources.
                 gas industry, where he completed an   David Noakes                Through the application of advanced
                 MSc in Subsea Engineering. Stuart joined   Network Support Engineer,    equipment and artificial intelligence
                 the SGN innovation team in 2017, where   Wales & West Utilities   systems, a more comprehensive and
                 he has been responsible for managing   David joined Wales & West Utilities   efficient operation can be obtained.
                 innovation projects focusing on repairs,   in 2014, straight after graduating
                 safety and efficiency relating to SGN gas   with a Master’s degree in Mechanical
                 operations. Stuart is recently chartered   Engineering from Cardiff University. For  Far East District Section
                 with IGEM.                       the last four years, David has worked   Crystal Chan
                                                  solely in an network analysis role. He   Electrical & Mechanical Engineer, Electrical
                 Foam Annular Sealant Through Keyhole  has gained a wealth of knowledge over   and Mechanical Projects Division,
                 This project focuses on the utility   those years, conducting analysis and   Drainage Services Department, HKSAR
                 networks’ obligation to minimise   honing his skills on a variety of demand
                 disruption to customers during routine   types. He uses his drive and enthusiasm   Maximising the Recovery of Biogas Energy
                 gas pipe operations such as service   for analysis to strive for better, with one   through Anaerobic Co-digestion of Sewage
                 connections. The foam annular sealant   eye always looking towards the future.  Sludge with Food Waste
                 project created a product to address
                 these issues, allowing operatives to carry   The Impact of Power Generation and   Solid waste including food waste is
                 out operations in a smaller excavation   Biomethane on Network Analysis  an urban problem that needs to be
                 while working safely and efficiently. This   The gas industry is constantly   tackled. Anaerobic co-digestion of
                 results in less time on site and lower   evolving. From the days of using   sewage sludge and food waste is being
                 carbon footprint and emissions.  localised town gas to the emergence of   developed by the Drainage Services
                                                  natural gas from the North Sea, it is not   Department (DSD) as an innovative
                                                  unusual for the gas network to undergo   strategy for more efficient energy
                 South West Section               huge developments. New technologies   recovery through biogas generation.
                 Katie Ling                       and a drive for decarbonisation are   This project raises the prospect of a
                 Customer Support Officer,        two of the main driving forces behind   viable business plan for sustainable
                 Wales & West Utilities           the need for change and we have seen   development if co-digestion can be
                 Katie has been working in the gas   this in the last few years with the   operated by private business efficiently
                 industry for just over two years with   rise of peaking power generation and   and effectively.

            stuart sherlock            katie ling             david noakes            theo wong              crystal chan


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