Page 40 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
P. 40

igem news

                   CEO UPDATE

                 IN THE                                                            Programme will provide an interesting

                                                                                   pathway to registration. In parallel to
                                                                                   this, the Membership Committee is
                                                                                   revisiting the attractiveness and clarity
                                                                                   of the guidance and help provided
                 DOWNSTREAM                                                        to prospective registrants from the
                                                                                   installer community.
                                                                                     Gas safety is critical with easy access
                                                                                   to good quality CPD and training
                                                                                   essential. IGEM’s Gas Industry Unsafe
                                                                                   Situations Procedure (the IGEM G/11
                                                                                   standard) is just relaunching and so
                                                                                   we are providing a new online training
                                                                                   resource, accessible on our new
                                                                                   e-learning platform. This move, together
                                                                                   with additional e-learning content
                                                                                   accessible at the time and place of need
                                                                                   will be, we believe, an attractive and
                                                                                   valuable offering to those working in
                                                                                   the downstream. Full credit for this, and
                                                                                   more, is due here to members of IGEM’s
                                                                                   downstream technical committees.
                                                                                     Throughout 2020, IGEM has been
                                                                                   expanding access to resources to
                                                                                   members on its webpages. This
                                                                                   includes valuable content and
                                                                                   technically-focused topics, all hosted
                                                                                   on IGEMtv. Such expansion of technical
                                                                                   resources will continue to build though
                                                                                   2021. We are also planning greater
                                                                                   provision of technical articles through
                                                                                   an extension of Gi. Our working group
                                                                                   members are now actively sourcing and
                 IGEM CEO Neil Atkinson explains how Engineering                   reviewing content stream for this. If this
                 Technicians will be an essential part of the gas industry’s       prompts interest to help do let us know.
                                                                                     IGEM continues to support ‘gas’
                 future and how IGEM intends to support this key group             skills in the Housing Sector. The
                 in the years ahead                                                institution is now in its second year
                                                                                   of auditing Authorised Training
                 WITH THE ENERGY transition upon   can do more for those working in the   Providers. This is an important
                 us, our industry is at a fork in the road.   utilisation space, including those   initiative to raise standards across the
                 Perform well and we have a bright,   who are working towards or who   sector and will be maintained.
                 interesting future with high quality jobs   have attained the level of Engineering   In addition, IGEM is helping to
                 ahead. Conversely, the industry faces a   Technician (EngTech). In fact, IGEM   develop contextualised professional
                 terminal decline if it does not respond   has several member-led initiatives   standards for those working with gas in
                 with excellence.                 underway in this area that will come to   high rise residential buildings and fully
                   Evidently, it is important for us to   fruition in 2021.        expects these standards to be deployed
                 attract, retain and develop all who operate   Ben Kuchta has succeeded Philippa   as a response to the Grenfell tragedy.
                 within the sector. IGEM has a clear role   Wrenn to take leadership of our   The energy transition provides a
                 to play here. We recognise the need   Engineering Technician working   real opportunity to change the face
                 to support engineers and technicians,   group. The group has a number of   of the industry and for it to become a
                 not just through access to professional   workstreams in development – all   preferred destination as a source of
                 registration, but also through the   intended to provide value to operatives,   essential, green jobs accessible to all.
                 provision of valuable support and   technicians and installers.   To do so, we must seize the opportunity
                 unique membership benefits.        Gary Tomlin, Dave Tomkin and   this presents as a profession. And by
                   At the time of writing, IGEM is   Steve Critchlow are leading efforts to   doing so, we will create a younger and
                 preparing for its online conference   develop a unique modular technical   more diverse technical workforce to
                 Gas Utilisation: Forces for Change,   programme for aspiring EngTechs,   take the industry forward – downstream
                 further demonstrating its sustained   completion of which will demonstrate   and upstream.
                 commitment to the downstream sector,   the required underpinning gas   And as always, IGEM will be there
                 despite the challenges of the pandemic.   knowledge for the grade.   to provide help and resources as they
                   However, it has been said that IGEM   This Gas Fundamentals Learning   undertake their professional journeys.


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