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P. 41

igem news


                 THE SITUATION ROOM

                 Ahead of the relaunch of IGEM’s Gas Industry Unsafe
                 Situations Procedure, Dave Bendle, Chair of the
                 IGEM/G/11 working group, presents the main changes to
                 the document

                 THE GAS INDUSTRY Unsafe Situations   (to prevent an email being sent later,
                 Procedure (IGEM G/11) is an essential   if using an electronic format) and the
                 document for competent gas engineers.   importance of leaving a notice on site if
                 While others may use it as a reference   no one is present. The document states:
                 point, it is the competent engineer on   Complete a ‘warning notice’ which shall
                 site that must make the final decision   emphasise the words ‘DANGER DO NOT   Clause 8.7: New section covering
                 based on the site risk assessment of   USE’. Regardless of the format used   7  reporting theft of gas meter
                 the situation encountered. This is,   obtain a signature from the gas user/  tampering, etc. While not always
                 essentially, their basic duty under both   responsible person as both a record of   an unsafe situation, it was thought
                 the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act   receipt and understanding. Before leaving   appropriate to provide advice to
                 of 1974 (HSWA) and the Gas Safety   site, a copy shall be issued to the gas user/  engineers here within the document.
                 Installation & Use Regulations (GSIUR).   responsible person and keep a copy for
                   The requirement to treat each   your records. If no one is present, leave a   Section 9: Tables. A precis of the
                 situation individually is covered by the   copy on site to alert any future user to the  8  RIDDOR reporting criteria added to
                 statement “the competent engineer shall   danger. See clause f) if the user is not the   each header as a reminder along with
                 be able to justify their rationale based on   owner/responsible person.  the Gas Safe reporting route.
                 the situation on site – the examples in
                 this document are generic”.        Clause 8.3: Reaffirmation of RIDDOR   Notable new/revised table
                   Again, this reinforces the point that  4  criteria. The wording of RIDDOR   9  examples:
                 the person on site should be competent   11(2) highlights the triggers for      3.11: Revised scenario example to
                 in assessing the risk and confirming   reporting; for example, the situation   include situations where the position
                 that the classification applied is   has caused or is likely to cause:  or lack of support makes damage, etc.,
                 appropriate. It is also a reminder that    Death                   highly foreseeable.
                 the tables shown within the document    Unconsciousness               6.6: Revised scenario example
                 are generic examples.                Or a person being taken to hospital   wording to clarify the defect must
                   Ahead of the relaunch of this   The ‘sub requirements’ of by design,   be severe enough to make failure
                 document, here are some of the   construction, servicing, etc., leading   a likelihood. Hopefully, this avoids
                 changes we have made which could   to an escape of gas/product of   unnecessary ‘defecting’ just because a
                 affect the way you work:         combustion, etc., are detailed later in   single screw is missing which does not
                                                  the clause. It was believed the incorrect   affect the flue’s integrity.
                   Note added to Section 6 clarifying   use of RIDDOR 11(2) was partly due      6.7: has been combined into 6.6
                 1 emergency service providers (ESPs)   the criteria of gas escape, leakage of      7.2: Scenario revised to cover
                 are those best equipped/trained to   combustion products, etc., appearing   missing or damaged test points or
                 respond to reported gas escapes.   in the regulation as specific statements   seal, highlighting which scenario is
                                                  (listed a to c), leading the recipient to   RIDDOR reportable – assuming due to
                   New note in Section 6.1 advising the   believe these were the trigger points   ‘poor workmanship’.
                 2  engineer to remain on site where   rather than the likelihood of death, etc.      13.9: New scenario covering LPG
                 possible if disconnection is refused                               regulators
                 and the ESP is called. This allows for   Clauses 8.4 and 8.6: Details on how
                 the situation to be explained to the first  5  to report unsafe workmanship to   Updated contacts in Table 2:
                 call operative (FCO), giving a thorough   Gas Safe Register. This allows reporting  10  Contact Details of Gas Emergency
                 understanding of the actions taken   of situations that would previously   Service Providers (ESPs) and Gas
                 prior to their attendance.       have been incorrectly reported under   Suppliers (GSs) In The British Isles
                                                  RIDDOR. Work has been done with Gas
                   Text revision in Section 6, clauses   Safe Register to make the reporting   Appendix 5: Visual Risk
                 3  6.1e and 6.2.1e for both ‘Immediately   process on their website easier.   11  Assessment. Statement added:
                 Dangerous’ (ID) and ‘At Risk’ (AR). This                            “Generally, a visual risk assessment
                 allows for use of electronic records,   Clause 8.6: Note added referencing   is for visually apparent defects only and
                 but stresses the need for a signature to  6  flowchart 7. The flowchart details the   does not require moving an appliance or
                 confirm understanding, that regardless   reporting route decision process upon   any building infrastructure unless the
                 of format it shall be issued while on site   discovery of an unsafe situation.   engineer has concerns.”


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