Page 32 - Gi Dec 2020 / Jan 2021
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                 through clean technologies and energy   embedded into planning and design.   where applying cross-sectoral systems
                 reduction measures are welcome.    For example, urgent changes to   approaches to policymaking will help.
                   However, this must be viewed in the   public procurement processes are   For example, recognising the
                 context of the cumulative, connected   needed so they become outcome-  interconnectedness of different policy
                 change required across different policy   focused and take into account whole-  areas and economic sectors and
                 areas and economic sectors to deliver   life carbon evaluation. This will provide   learning from past policy initiatives to
                 net zero. The plans are an example of   the stimulus for the construction   understand the bigger picture, including
                 immediate, low-regrets actions that the   industry to deliver innovative,   wider social and behavioural factors, can
                 UK must urgently take to remain on   low carbon projects and increase   lead to a more resilient policy planning
                 track with the target.           its international competitiveness.   and more successful outcomes.
                   The actions must include support for   Covid-19 has also affected existing   Dervilla Mitchell CBE, UKIMEA chair
                 enabling work to help realise medium-   infrastructure and buildings, including   at Arup and a chair of the National
                 and long-term opportunities, as well   the energy and transport systems, and   Engineering Policy Centre Net Zero
                 as quick wins. Future policy decisions   homes, schools and offices.   Working Group, said: “We must
                 around net zero need to mobilise entire   Across the UK, demand for public   guard against the possibility that, as
                 industries in response to the crisis, and   transport fell by up to 95 per cent   economies around the world recover
                 to capitalise on the changing attitudes   during the early months of the   from the impacts of the pandemic,
                 of financial markets towards low   pandemic, while national electricity   plans for a low carbon recovery unravel,
                 climate-risk investments.        demand during the same period fell   and we lock the country into high
                   All this needs to be done at the   12 per cent. The impacts during a   emissions infrastructure and systems
                 scale and pace required to meet the   winter lockdown remain to be seen.   that simply return us to past norms.
                 emissions target. Consistent policy is   Infrastructure and buildings need to be   “Investing in low carbon technology
                 essential if supply chains and markets   resilient, flexible and able to adapt to   and practices now will create jobs and
                 are to be successfully established   shifting patterns of use.    pay dividends for the economy and the
                 and returns on funding realised. The                              UK’s net zero emissions target.
                 Covid-19 crisis has severely impacted   In the midst of the Covid-19   “Real progress on reducing carbon
                 employment and training, with major                               emissions will need to be built in the
                 knock-on effects for engineering sectors   crisis, the UK is on a pivot. It   short term, maintained over the long
                 and the staff they employ. In the oil   could choose to either revert to   term, be sustainable over successive
                 and gas sector, an estimated 20 per   ‘business as usual’, where the   governments, and able to withstand
                 cent of the workforce – 30,000 workers   UK risks being locked into a   disruptive events in future.”
                 – are at risk of losing their jobs, while                           IGEM welcomed the report with full
                 in construction, 43 per cent of people   high-carbon future, falling short   support for the recommendations to
                 surveyed in June 2020 anticipated   of its legislated commitments   make the best use of the UK’s existing
                 making redundancies, affecting up to   and failing to show global   assets and infrastructure and to mobilise
                 20 per cent of their workforce.   leadership in the lead-up to    a workforce that can meet the technical
                   In the short-term, people with at-                              needs of the UK’s net zero future.
                 risk jobs could be redeployed, while   COP26. Or it could instead   IGEM’s Head of Technical Services and
                 supporting the UK’s net zero aims by   choose to make a bold move   Policy Ian McCluskey said: “The UK is at
                 creating employment opportunities in   towards ‘better’           a crucial turning point, where we have
                 low carbon industries. In the energy                              the opportunity to set the trajectory of our
                 sector alone, it is estimated that 400,000                        economic recovery to one that prioritises
                 new recruits will be needed in the next   Policymakers and engineers   a green recovery and capitalises on the
                 30 years to build the net zero energy   together have a chance to seize an   good work already underway to develop
                 workforce. The inequitable impact   opportunity, to rethink, plan, design,   solutions for decarbonising heat,
                 of Covid-19 on women and BAME    retrofit, operate, maintain and   transport and industry.
                 communities is likely to have slowed   repurpose existing infrastructure   “This approach is needed now
                 progress on diversity and inclusion in   and buildings, and factor in social   to deliver net zero and beyond the
                 employment across all sectors of the   equity, net zero and resilience from   Covid-19 pandemic, it also brings
                 economy, including engineering.   the outset. Building on increased use   significant potential for job creation
                   Engineering education and      of digital technologies through the   across the country and policymakers
                 training have also been affected, with   crisis, digital transformation will be an   must seize the opportunity to redeploy
                 implications for young engineers and   essential enabler of decarbonisation   and invest in our technical workforce,
                 the pipeline of STEM skills. Proactive   and resilience. The UK has a chance to   to reduce unemployment and ensure
                 policies on diversity and inclusion   make the best use of existing assets and   the skilled resources for our low
                 in employment and training will   to develop more flexible and efficient   carbon future are in place.”
                 help reverse the impact of Covid-19   infrastructure systems for the future.
                 and increase the UK’s capacity and   There is a risk that, as the UK presses    IGEM is a partner of the National
                 capability for delivering net zero.   forward with a rapid recovery, plans for   Engineering Policy Centre, which connects
                   With accelerated spending of £5   a truly green recovery unravel and the   policymakers with critical engineering
                 billion on new infrastructure and   UK simply returns to past norms. Real   expertise to inform and respond to policy
                 £1 billion on school buildings as a   progress on climate change will need   issues of national importance, giving
                 key component of the government’s   to build on the short-term recovery,   the profession a unified voice on shared
                 economic stimulus plans, as well as £2.8   be sustainable over successive   challenges. For more information visit
                 billion on hospital buildings, there is an   governments, and able to withstand
                 urgent need for net zero principles to be   disruptive events in future. This is   about-national-engineering-policy-centre


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