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DURING YOUR STAY Important radios, etc. Please notify your nurse throughout the hospital, including If the hospital receives your mail these areas. Absolutely no smoking is and dentures should be stored in your DURING YOUR STAY
patient rooms and visitor waiting areas.
BEFORE using your personal electrical
after you’ve been discharged, it will
bedside stand when not in use. Please
permitted in any room in which oxygen
Things To Know
be returned to its sender. Flowers
is in use or on standby.
Please be courteous to other patients
don’t put them on your bed or food
and visitors while using your computer
delivered after you leave, however, are
tray—they may be damaged or lost.
returned to the florist. Outgoing mail
West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital is not
and keep the volume muted or use
We periodically conduct fire drills. If
Clergy members are welcome to visit
responsible for the loss or replacement
ATMs are located in the north parking
may be left at the nurse’s station or
with you and your family during your
you hear an alarm, stay where you are.
Your use of the WCCH wireless Internet
given to a volunteer.
lot next to Cypress Street and in the
of personal belongings.
hospital stay. Your nurse can assist you
In the event of an actual emergency,
connection is at your own risk. Any
If you cannot send your valuables
main hallway by the Emergency Dept.
Patients are not permitted to
could potentially be intercepted by
or member of the nursing staff can
take their own medications
place them in the hospital safe. You will
A telecommunications device (TDD)
another wireless user. Please contact
Your primary care physician or a
or keep them at
Case managers will review your medical hospital staff will notify you. information being sent or received MEDICATIONS in contacting the clergy of your choice. home, an Admissions Representative
is available to help hearing impaired
hospitalist will supervise your care
your nurse for log-in instructions.
be given a written receipt for all items
record and discuss your discharge patients. Arrangements can also be bedside. Your doctor from admission until discharge. and this receipt must be presented
planning. They are also available to made to have a person who uses sign INTERPRETERS will prescribe your A hospitalist’s only focus is to take when you withdraw them. Medications
assist you with arrangement for home language help a hearing impaired or The hospital has access to interpreters medications to be care of patients when they are in the cannot be stored in the hospital safe.
care, admission to a long-term care deaf patient. for a number of foreign languages dispensed by the hospital. Hospitalists work in close
facility or rehabilitation care. should a patient require it. Please notify hospital pharmacy. consultation with the patient’s primary WCCH IS A TOBACCO-FREE CAMPUS
Social workers offer emotional HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES your nurse of any special needs. Your nurse will administer care physician and specialists. Patients, staff and visitors are not
support, counseling and guidance to A member of the housekeeping staff LOST & FOUND your medicines to you. While you are a allowed to use tobacco products
help patients and their families deal will clean your room daily. If there is a If you have misplaced a personal item, patient at WCCH, we will provide your PHOTOGRAPHS & VIDEOS (including smokeless or electronic)
with financial, social and emotional housekeeping problem in your room, contact the hospital’s Admissions medication in the form of a single-unit Due to confidentiality and privacy, no on the hospital campus, parking lots,
problems related to illness or dial 0 for the operator, who will contact department for information on items dose whenever possible. Pharmacy photographs or videos of patients, sidewalks, lawn areas or any hospital-
hospitalization. housekeeping and the problem will be that have been turned in. hours are M–F, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. families or WCCH employees are owned property.
taken care of as soon as possible. permitted; the only exception to this is
The Maintenance Department must INTERNET SERVICE Cards and flowers sent by your family Special rules are in effect in areas Possession, use or display of weapons
check any electrical equipment that is WCCH is pleased to offer free wireless and friends to make your stay better where patients are using oxygen. VALUABLES & PERSONAL ITEMS is prohibited within WCCH and any
brought from home before it can be service to its doctors, patients and are brought to your room daily. Battery-operated toys or friction toys Please leave your valuables at home. building owned or used for WCCH
used. This includes razors, hair dryers, guests. Connectivity is available (which create sparks) are not allowed in Contact lenses, eyeglasses, hearing aids business purposes.
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