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LET US KNOW! At WCCH, our goal Louisiana Department of Ethics Committee Patient Satisfaction • Are you getting the care Hospital Compare
Let Us
Health & Hospitals
you need?
Is Important To Us
is a government website that lets
DHH/Health Standards Section
• Are your doctors and nurses
Now, more than ever, patients, their
consumers compare the quality of
628 N. 4th St. • Baton Rouge, LA 70802
addressing your questions and
families, doctors and caregivers
hospital care across the country.
225-342-0138 • 866-280-7737
WCCH is accredited by The Joint
The site is managed by the Centers
face difficult and complex decisions
is to provide you and your
our community with safe, high-
family members with the absolute
Please talk with your nurse or case
support, living wills and quality of
For more information, visit
Office of Quality & Patient Safety
best patient care experience. If at any P.O. Box 629 • Baton Rouge, LA 70821 about treatment options, artificial Commission. Our goal is to provide • How can we improve? for Medicare & Medicaid Services. PATIENT SATISFACTION
quality health services with an
life. Your doctor is the first person
manager about any questions or
time you have questions or concerns The Joint Commission to consult about patient care issues. emphasis on wellness and health issues you may have, or dial 1234
about the quality of care One Renaissance Blvd. However, if you need more help, promotion. It is through our ongoing from your bedside phone.
at our hospital, do Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 our Medical Ethics Committee will performance improvement process The Joint
not hesitate to speak 800-994-6610 or online: work with you and your doctor to that we continuously evaluate and Commission
with your nurse or the provide you with assistance and improve the safety and quality develops and administers voluntary
nursing supervisor. of care we provide. We care What is HCAHPS?
guidance. For more information about your stay and we accreditation programs outlining
contact your healthcare provider performance standards for hospitals
Please contact our Patient WCCH Cares! or any of the following: want to hear from you: Hospital Consumer Assessment of and other healthcare organizations.
Relations Director at Ext. 4144 Healthcare Providers & Systems is To see reports for all accredited
with your compliments, complaints Let Us Know If We Can: Nursing a survey that measures patients’ organizations, visit
or concerns. You may call at any time Administrator After you leave thoughts about their hospital
during or after your stay. After hours, • RESPOND quicker to your needs 337-527-4281 the hospital, you experience. It asks questions based Additional information about
please contact the Nursing • EXPLAIN things differently or may receive an HCAHPS on communication, responsiveness, hospitals and their performance
Supervisor at Ext. 4346. more clearly Compliance Office cleanliness, quietness, pain
• HELP to keep your room 337-528-7891 patient survey by mail. management, communication about can be found at: Healthcare Facilities
clean or more quiet Please take the survey, mail it medicines, discharge information Accreditation Program (HFAP):
Also, you have the right to file a • EASE your pain Nursing back and help us enhance the and DNV GL Healthcare:
complaint with either or both the • EXPLAIN your Supervisor quality of services for future and overall hospital rating.
Louisiana Department of Health & healthcare plan until (after hours) patients and visitors!
Hospitals or The Joint Commission. you fully understand 337-527-7034
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