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USING THIS GUIDE  Using This Guide     Attention!  Using This Guide   1  Patient Safety  17-18  Know B4 You Go!   39  WHAT'S IN OUR GUIDE

                                           Speak Up!™
 We use an exclamation point
 1.  Begin with the Table of
                                           Your Doctor Visit
 Contents to find the
 symbol (paired with pictures or text)
                                           Before Surgery
                                           Wash Your Hands!
 throughout this guide to call out
                                                                                  Discharge Checklist
 SECTION you want, such
      What's In Our Guide
                                           Your Hands Spread Germs!
                                                                                  Teach & Show
 as: Patient Safety, Important
 information that is especially
         Our Mission & Values
                                           Blood Clot Risk
      Visitor Information
                                           Adult Vaccinations
                                                                                After Hospital Care
    Phone Numbers or Advance   important for you to note and   Campus Map   3 4  Prevent Falls, Pressure Ulcers   24  When You Get Home   42
      Important Numbers
 1.  For example,   Your T.E.A.M.  7       Prevent HAIs           27-28         Entertain Your Brain      44
                                           Understand Your Medicines!
 2.  SECTIONS in the Table of   hand-washing   Rapid Response Team   8  Help Prevent Medicine Errors   29
 WELCOME  Let Us Know!          11         Medicine Minder          31
 Contents are COLOR CODED    is mentioned   For The Caregiver   9  Look-Alike, Sound-Alike Drugs   30
 to match page TABS    many times in   Depression  10  Drug Interactions   30
 throughout the guide.   CAMPUS MAP  this guide and is   Patient Satisfaction   12  Appointment Keeper   32
 pictured like this:
                                           Your Pain
         Calling Your Nurse, Your Phone,
                                                                                Patient Engagement Solutions, LLC®. It is intended only for
                                                                                educational use. Please speak with your doctor before making
         ATM, Cell Phones, Children Visitors
 3.  Go to the SECTION TAB  FOR THE CAREGIVER  DURING YOUR STAY  2.  We also call out important   During Your Stay  Advance Directives   34  The editorial content of this guide is the sole responsibility of
 text or warnings, like this:
                                                                                any lifestyle or treatment changes. The people shown in the
         Fire Safety, Flowers, Hearing
 by COLOR, by SECTION   Impaired, Internet   13  Your Privacy        35         patient guide are models and are not known to have any health
                                                                                conditions. Images are for illustrative purposes only. © 2017
                                           Patient Rights
 NAME or page number      If you think you  Interpreters, Mail, Medicines  & Responsibilities   36  Patient Engagement Solutions, LLC®.
         Meditation & Chapel, Parking,
 —it's easy!  are having a heart attack, call 9-1-1!  Pastoral Care, Personal Items   WCCH is not, in any way, responsible for the advertisements in this
                                                                                patient guide. WCCH makes no representation or endorsement of
 1   3   5 13   Don’t try to drive yourself, EMTs are  & Valuables, Security   14  Focus On Health  37  any kind related to the advertised services, entities, or businesses.
         Food Services, Cafeteria
 trained to treat you on the way
                                              Heart Attack!
                                                                                WCCH receives no remuneration in exchange for any
 to the hospital!  Room Service, Vending   15  Quit Smoking!          38        advertisement.
         TV, Channel Listings
 1                                                                                                                   2
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