Page 17 - WestCalcasieuCameron2017
P. 17

YOUR DOCTOR VISIT  Your Doctor Visit     Did  Your   Know What's Next!  YOUR   YOUR PATIENT  Before Surgery

                                           ADVOCATE is usually
 Be sure you understand the
                                                                                   •  Be sure that your Surgical Team
 Your doctor visit is your time
                                           a hospital
                                                                                     knows your NAME (Your I.D.
 to ask questions about your
 You New
 for any follow-up appointments
      is a friend
                                                                                     band should have your correct
 healthcare. To be more engaged
 or tests you will have.
                                                                                     name) and the TYPE OF
 in your care, follow these tips.
      or family
                                           that can
                                                                                     SURGERY you are having.
 WRITE down all questions
 BEFORE you see your doctor and
 FOLLOW-UP appointment?
                                           your stay in
      help during your
      WHAT, and HOW to take it?
                                                                                     knows if you have a mediport,
 choose a support person to help
 HOW will you get there?
 •   Are there any food or beverage
      stay in these ways:
                                           the following ways:
                                                                                     pacemaker, insulin pump, or
 you ask questions, take notes,   •   Do you understand WHEN, WHY,    •  WHEN is your next      member that can   help during   •  Be sure that your Surgical Team   SUPPORT, ADVOCATE, BEFORE SURGERY
 LIMITS with the new medication?
 and remember instructions.                                                          other device.
 •  If you need TESTS, do you
 REMIND STAFF to WASH  TELL your doctor about ALL of  know WHEN you are scheduled    •  HELPS YOU KEEP TRACK of   •  TELLS you what to expect during   Your Surgical Team will mark
                                             your hospital stay.
        questions for your doctor
 THEIR HANDS if you don’t see   your prescriptions/over-the-counter   for the TEST, WHY you need the   about medicines, procedures,    your body part to be operated
 them do it. Be sure they wear   meds, vitamins/supplements, HOW   TEST, WHAT to expect and HOW    or treatments.  •  HELPS you understand your   on. If you are not awake, be sure
 CLEAN GLOVES before giving   MUCH you take and HOW OFTEN.  to prepare for it?  treatments, medications, procedures,   your Support Person knows:
 shots, touching wounds, or   •  KEEPS AN EYE ON YOU   surgeries/post-surgery care, tests or
 examining your mouth   SPEAK UP about any PAIN or other   for changes in your condition   after hospital care instructions.   •  Your Surgical Team has marked
 or private parts.   •  If your doctor has referred you to
 SYMPTOMS you are experiencing,     a  SPECIALIST, do you know WHEN   during and after your hospital   the CORRECT BODY PART to be
 how long you’ve had them, and  stay, and asks for help on    •  ANSWERS questions about billing,   operated on and have matched
 ASK your doctor to   any changes in your appetite, sleep,  your appointment is, WHY your   your behalf.  payment and insurance.  it with your NAME, BIRTH DATE
 EXPLAIN your diagnosis   or energy level.  doctor has referred you, WHAT            and the SURGERY you are having.
 and plan of treatment UNTIL   kind of specialist you will see and   •  HAS BEEN INTRODUCED to   •  ARRANGES your transition from
 YOU UNDERSTAND. ASK for a translator   LEARN about your condition from    HOW you will get there?  your healthcare team so that   the hospital to another treatment or
 to speak your language if needed.
 the library or support groups. Visit    both of you are kept up-to-date   living facility, and helps to make sure  on your care and responsibilities.  the transition goes smoothly.  Courtesy of The Joint Commission
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