Page 19 - WestCalcasieuCameron2017
P. 19

WASH YOUR HANDS!  WASH YOUR   Help Prevent The   3.  COVER If You Are   Be Sure To WASH YOUR HANDS...  •  Prevent the   YOUR HANDS SPREAD GERMS!
                Your Hands Can Spread Germs!
 Sick. Sneeze and
 Spread Of Infection
                                                                                       spread of many
 cough into a tissue,
                                                                                       diseases and
 Soap And Warm
 then throw it away.
 Avoid touching
 While you're in the hospital, there
                                                                                       conditions by
 Water For 15-20
 is a risk of infection. You can help
 other people.
                                                                                       WASHING YOUR
 prevent infection by taking these
 4.  CHECK Your Bandages. If a
 simple steps:
 That's about the amount of
                                                                                       soap and clean,
 loose or wet, tell your nurse. If you
 time it takes to sing two verses
 have a catheter or drainage tube,
                                                                                       running water.
 of the "Happy Birthday" song.  1.  WASH  bandage on a wound or IV becomes             HANDS with
 tell your nurse if it becomes loose or
   YOUR           dislodged.
 No Soap?    HANDS
 Use Sanitizer.  5. SPEAK UP!™ And Remind Staff                                    •  WASHING YOUR
 •  After touching      To WASH THEIR HANDS. All of your                               HANDS is one
 objects or surfaces  healthcare providers should WASH
 Alcohol-based hand sanitizers   THEIR HANDS both                                      of the most
 can quickly reduce the number of   •  Before eating  before and after
 microbes, (germs) on your hands.   they touch you.                                    important ways
 Simply apply sanitizer to your palm   •  After using the restroom  Don't be afraid    you can keep
 and continue to rub over the entire   to remind them if
 surface of your hands and fingers   they forget!                                      from spreading
 until they are completely dry.                                                               germs to
 2. TELL Guests NOT TO VISIT If   6.  KEEP All Your Vaccines    Make sure you and your
       They Are Sick. Also, ask your guests  Up-To-Date! Protect yourself and   visitors WASH YOUR HANDS at   others!
       to WASH THEIR HANDS when they  others, it's worth a shot!  these important times!
       enter your room.
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