Page 26 - WestCalcasieuCameron2017
P. 26

          Understand Your                      SHOULD I take this medicine while   Help Prevent                                Look-Alike,                             Drug                                Just because
          Medicines!                           taking other medications or dietary   Medicine Errors                           Sound-Alike Drugs                       Interactions                        a drug is sold
                                                                                                                                                                                                           without a
          Your doctor may prescribe medicine   SHOULD I avoid any foods,           MAKE A LIST and tell your doctor            Some medications look and sound         Sometimes different over-
          for you while you are in the hospital.   drinks or activities while  taking   about medicines you are taking:        like other medications you may be       the-counter or prescription         prescription                       DRUG INTERACTIONS
          Do you know the WHAT, WHY and        this medicine?                                                                  taking, or have just been prescribed.   medicines contain the SAME          doesn't mean that
          HOW of your new medicine?                                                  •   Prescriptions                                                                 active ingredient. So if you take
                                             What Else Can You Do?                   •  Over-the-counter drugs                 Example: Celebrex, Cerebyx and          more than one medicine at the       it isn't serious
            WHAT is the NAME of this medicine,                                       •  Herbal, vitamin or natural remedies    Celexa are BRAND NAMES that look        same time, it's possible to take    medicine!
            and does the NAME sound like any   •  SET AN ALARM                       •  Recreational drugs                     alike if you just glance at the label.   too much of the same active
            other meds I may already be taking?   on your watch,                                                                                                       ingredient.
            WHAT are the possible side effects?   computer, tablet                 TELL YOUR DOCTOR if you have                Example: Tramadol, Trazodone
            WHAT should I do if I miss a dose?  or cell phone to take              allergies to medicines, anesthesia,         and Toradol are GENERIC NAMES           Read the label carefully to find
                                               your meds on time.                  foods or latex: Medical alert tags show     that also look alike at a glance.       out exactly what you're taking.
            WHY has this medicine been                                             your allergies, if you are diabetic or on
            prescribed, why am I taking it?  •  USE THE MEDICINE MINDER            blood thinners. Medical alert tags can      Look Closely at
                                               on pg. 00 to keep track of all of   be found at your local pharmacy.
            HOW much do I take? HOW often      your meds, strengths & dosages.                                                 Medicine Labels!                        When in doubt, ASK your
            do I take it? HOW long do I take it?                                   Right I.D.,                                                                         doctor or pharmacist. It's
                                                                                                                                                                       simple. READ THE LABEL.
          What Else Do I Need To Know?       Remember, there are no                Right Care!                                 Know WHAT
                                                                                                                               you are taking,
                                             dumb questions when it                                                            (brand name
            SHOULD I take this medicine with   comes to your medicines.            Be sure that                                and generic
            meals, on an empty stomach, with                                       any medicines,                              name), WHY the
            food or water?                   Don't Be Afraid To Ask                procedures or lab                           medicine has been                       Source: and
                                             Until You Understand!                 tests ordered match the NAME                prescribed and HOW to take it!
                                                                                   and BIRTH DATE on your I.D. BAND.
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