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PATIENT RIGHTS Patient Rights DECISION MAKING • You have the right to be informed of Responsibilities Patient Privacy Request confidential communications.
your health status, to be involved in
• You can ask us to contact you in a
• You have the right to participate in
the development and execution of
specific way (example: home or office
your care planning and treatment,
When it comes to your healthcare
your care plan.
and to request or refuse treatment.
phone) or to send mail to a different
• You have the right to equal
information, you have the right to:
address. We respond to reasonable
• You have the right to be involved in
• Your right to treatment or service is
• PROVIDE a complete MEDICAL
access to care.
all parts of the care you receive.
respected and supported.
HISTORY along with a LIST of
• You have the right to have a family
Get an electronic or paper copy of
member, advocate and your own
to another hospital. If you want to
family participate in decisions about
and supplements and allergies.
share certain health information
physician notified promptly of your
• You can ask to see or get an
be moved to another facility, we will
your care.
admission to the hospital. • You have the right to have your • You have the right to request transfer your MEDICINES, vitamins, herbs your medical record. You can ask us not to use or
for treatment, payment or our
electronic or paper copy of your
help you in safely transferring to that
• We will respect your religious, KNOWLEDGE healthcare facility. • ASK questions about your care medical record and other health operations. PATIENT RESPONSIBILITIES & PRIVACY
cultural and personal beliefs and • You (or your advocate) have the • You have the right to Pastoral plan, procedures, medicines or information we have about you. Ask • We are not required to agree to your
traditions. right to make informed decisions care and spiritual services. instructions until you understand. us how to do this. request, and we may say “no” if it
• We will not discriminate against you. regarding your care. • PAY ATTENTION to and FOLLOW • We will provide a copy or a summary would affect your care.
• Your doctor will inform you of risks,
COMFORT benefits and alternatives prior to SAFETY AND SECURITY all doctor instructions and of your health information, usually • If you pay for a service or healthcare
• You have the right to control your any invasive procedures. • You have the right to treatment plans and keep all within 30 days of your request. We item out-of-pocket in full, you can
pain management. • If you are asked to participate in a receive care in a safe setting. doctor appointments. may charge a reasonable, cost-based ask us not to share that information
for the purpose of payment or our
COMMUNICATION research project, you have the right • You have the right to be free from • REPORT changes in your condition. fee. operations with your health insurer.
• You have the right to a printed copy to be given information describing all forms of harassment. Ask us to correct your medical record. We will say “yes” unless a law
of these rights. the expected benefits, potential • You have the right to a secure space. • BE CONSIDERATE of other patients, • You can ask us to correct health requires us to share that information.
• You have the right to communication. discomforts, and any alternatives • We will keep you safe and protect staff and hospital property. information about you that you
If your mail or phone is restricted, it is that might benefit you. you from verbal/physical abuse. think is incorrect or incomplete. Ask Get a list of those with whom we’ve
to ensure that you receive proper rest. • Your doctors will be truthful about • You have the right to access • PROVIDE CORRECT INSURANCE us how to do this. We may say “no” to shared information.
• You have the right to request itemized any experimental procedures. You protective services. INFORMATION and work with your request, but we’ll tell you why in • You can ask for a list (accounting) of
copies of your bill, an examination have the right to refuse to participate • You have the right to be free from the hospital to pay your hospital writing within 60 days. the times we’ve shared your health
and an explanation of your account in research projects, and your care restraints of any form that are not bill as promptly as possible. information for six years prior to
regardless of your source of payment. will not be compromised. medically necessary. • ASK for help with your bill. the date you ask, who we shared
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