Page 35 - WestCalcasieuCameron2017
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PATIENT PRIVACY  •  For more information visit      You have the right to complain to the  Get Copies Of  WHAT Are Advance   LIVING WILL: OUTLINES THE   ADVANCE DIRECTIVES
 here unless you tell us we can in
                                           TREATMENT you want to receive at
 writing. If you tell us we can, you may
 hospital if you believe your rights to
 Your X-rays
                                           the end of life such as:
 privacy have been violated.
 change your mind at any time. Let us
                                           •  Do you want CPR if your heart
 If you feel your privacy rights have been
 know in writing if you change your
                                             stops beating?
      They are legal documents that state
 Visit or call the Radiology Dept.
 violated, please mail your complaint to
                                           •  Do you want a ventilator if you
      your choices about your healthcare
 West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital
 (M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) at 337-527-
      if you cannot speak for yourself
                                             stop breathing?
 4256, complete an authorization
 Attn: Privacy Officer • 701 Cypress St.
 We can change the terms of this
                                             IV if you cannot eat or drink?
      decisions. You do not need a
 picture I.D.. For safety and security
 notice, and the changes will apply to   Sulphur, LA 70663  to release information, present   or are unable to make your own   •  Do you want a feeding tube or
 •  All complaints will be investigated.
      lawyer in order to complete
 of information reasons, records will
 all information we have about you.   •  No personal issue will be raised for   not be released without I.D.. For   Advance Directives.  WHY Do You Need
 •  The new notice will be available   filing a complaint with the hospital.  release of information to a third
 upon request, on our website, and   party, please call 337-527-4256   •  The hospital will provide you with   Advance Directives?
 we will mail a copy to you.  Your protected healthcare   for instructions.  information regarding Advance
 •  Effective Date of this Notice:   information may NOT be released  Directives and will assist you with the   Discussing the healthcare you want
 September 23, 2013  for any other purpose than that  development of an Advance Directive.  if you can't speak for yourself due to
 •  The hospital will abide by the terms   which is identified in this notice.  Get Copies of Your   •  The hospital will provide you with   illness or end of life, helps to relieve
 of this notice. The hospital reserves   Your protected healthcare information   Medical Records  information regarding Organ Donation   the stress and worry created by not
 the right to make changes to this   may be released only after receiving   and will assist you with decisions   being prepared.
 notice and continue to maintain   written authorization from you.   Visit or call the Medical Records   concerning the donation of organs.
 the confidentiality of all healthcare   You may revoke your permission to   Department (M-F, 8a.m.-5p.m.)   •  We will honor your wishes regarding   •  Bring your Advance Directives with you   Visit for more
 information. The current notice will   release protected healthcare information   at 337-527-4113, complete   your end-of-life decisions.  every time you come to the hospital.   information on how to download
 be available from the Admitting   at any time.  an authorization to release       your Advance Directive forms.
 Office, from the Privacy Officer, on   For further information please call   information and present picture   POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR   •  Discuss your Advance Directives with
 the website and posted throughout   the Privacy Officer at 337-528-7891,   I.D.. Test results will be available   HEALTHCARE: NAMES THE PERSON   your advocate or loved ones, and
 the hospital.  or you may call the Compliance   three business days from the time   you have chosen to make medical   review your forms regularly to be sure
 Confidential Line at 337-528-4168.  the test or screening is performed.  decisions for you if you are unable to   they are still up-to-date with your
      make them for yourself.                healthcare choices.
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