Page 37 - WestCalcasieuCameron2017
P. 37

 What Is A Heart Attack & Who Is At Risk?  Common Signs  You Can Quit   More reasons to quit:  Here’s How
 Of Heart Attack   Smoking!                •  Your SKIN will look healthier,            To K.I.C.K!
 A heart attack happens when blood   attack, including: shortness of breath,   & your teeth will look whiter
 flow to the heart suddenly becomes   nausea, vomiting, pain in the back,   For Both Men  You may                    QUIT SMOKING!
 blocked and the heart can’t get   neck, stomach or jaw.  & Women:  already   •  You will SAVE MONEY  KEEP BUSY
 oxygen. If not treated quickly, the   •  Sometimes the signs of a heart attack   know that
 heart muscle fails to pump and   may happen suddenly OR over hours,   CHEST DISCOMFORT:  there are serious health risks   •  You will be able to TASTE food
 begins to die.  days or even weeks.
 Discomfort in the center of the   to smoking but still find it hard to   & SMELL other things better  INCREASE

 What Increases Your Risk?  Minutes Matter!  chest that lasts for more than a   quit. Make a detailed list of the   •  You will NOT smell like smoke  EXERCISE
 few minutes or goes away and
      reasons you want to quit. Looking
 •  Smoking  Don't ignore your symptoms!   comes back. THIS CAN FEEL LIKE   at your list every day could help you
 •  Obesity or poor diet  Your chances of surviving   PRESSURE, SQUEEZING OR   KICK the habit of smoking.   •  You will be protecting family
 •  High blood pressure  a heart attack with the   FULLNESS.  & friends from the dangers of    CHEW GUM
 •  High cholesterol  LEAST amount of   We'll get you started with these   SECOND-HAND SMOKE
 •  Diabetes  damage to your heart  DISCOMFORT IN OTHER   important health reasons to quit:
 •  Lack of exercise  and brain are BETTER  PLACES: Discomfort in one or   Since you aren't smoking
 •  Family history of early   the SOONER you get   both arms, the back, neck, jaw  •  You will REDUCE RISKS for cancer,   or looking for places to   KEEP TRYING!
 heart disease   help! Know the signs   or stomach.  heart attack, heart disease, stroke,   smoke, you’ll have more
 and act quickly!  cataracts & other diseases           time to FOCUS ON
 You May Not Know:  SHORTNESS OF BREATH:                LOVED ONES and doing            You can prevent
 •  If you’ve already had a heart   Often goes along with chest   •  You will REDUCE the risk of repeat   things together  the health risks of
 attack, your chances of having   If you think you  discomfort. Can also occur   VISITS to the hospital  smoking. Make a plan
 another heart attack are higher,      are having a heart attack, call  BEFORE the chest discomfort.  For more information,   to KICK the smoking
 also, your symptoms may be    9-1-1! Don’t try to drive yourself,  •  You will LOWER your BLOOD   help-lines and tools for quitting   habit today!
 different this time.  EMTs are trained to treat you on  OTHER SIGNS: Breaking out   PRESSURE, BREATHE EASIER      smoking, check out these sites:
 •  Women are more likely to have the   the way to the hospital!  in a cold sweat, nausea or   & COUGH LESS and
 “other” common signs of a heart   light-headedness.
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