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Preparing for Please speak with your nurse about assist with your transition to the home • Home Health-More than a place supplied by your employer or insurance The hospital is responsible for
Discharge our discharge procedures. environment and your road to recovery. of comfort, home is a symbol of company. You will be asked to assign submitting bills to your insurance
• Lifeline-Philips Lifeline is a national
benefits from the insurance company
company and will do everything
independent living and belonging.
Here are a few tips to make the
discharge process run smoothly: medical alert service provided by Home can also provide the most directly to the hospital. Questions possible to expedite your claim. Your
Your doctor determines when you • Be sure you and/or your caregiver WCCH as a service to the community. comfortable environment for concerning your insurance benefits policy is a contract between you and
are ready to be discharged. Your have spoken with a discharge It is an easy-to-use medical alert recovery after an injury or illness. should be directed to your employer’s your insurance company and you have
doctor and nurse will give you planner and that you understand service that helps older adults to live The Home Health Agency of benefits coordinator or to your the final responsibility for payment of
discharge instructions and answer what services you may need after safely and independently in their WCCH provides the quality care you insurance company. your hospital bill. PREPARING FOR DISCHARGE
any questions you have about leaving the hospital. own homes. The Lifeline program is need, right where you need it–in Some insurance requires the patient
managing your treatment and • Verify your discharge date and time designed to provide each subscriber the comfort of your own home. Our and doctor to contact the insurance If you have questions about your
medications once you are home. with your nurse or doctor. with prompt, courteous care at the home health agency is accredited company for authorization of the hospital bill, please call WCCH Patient
Financial Services at 337-527-4232
• Have someone pick you up. press of a button 24 hours a day, by the State of Louisiana, The Joint admission. Please know your benefits.
If you are confused or unsure about • Check your room, bathroom and 365 days a year. Commission, and is also Medicare Without this authorization, some M-F, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
what you need to do, what medications bedside table carefully for any • Pharmacy-In addition to our approved. For more information, benefits may be subject to a 50 COORDINATION OF BENEFITS
you must take, or if you have to restrict personal items. inpatient pharmacy, we also offer call 337-527-4362. percent reduction. Coordination of Benefits, referred to
your diet or activities, don’t be afraid • Make sure you or your caregiver has the services of our Outpatient • Physical Medicine focuses on If there is a question about your as COB, is a term used by insurance
to ask and take notes. Be sure you all necessary paperwork for billing, Pharmacy. This full service restoring an individual’s functional insurance coverage, a member of the companies when you are covered
understand any instructions you have referrals, prescriptions, etc. pharmacy is open to the community abilities after illness or injury. The Admissions Department will contact under two or more insurance policies.
been given before you leave and is extremely helpful in filling physical medicine team of WCCH you or a member of your family while This usually happens when spouses
the hospital. ADDITIONAL SERVICES prescriptions at the time of follows rigorous, proven techniques you are here. Information is needed in or partners are listed on each other’s
In most cases, patients can anticipate There are times when a patient needs discharge. Our pharmacists are for timely healing. Services offered order to pre-certify and process your insurance policies, when both parents
discharge 1.5 hours after the doctor additional treatment or care after he very knowledgeable and willing to include Physical, Occupational claims and pre-certification with the carry their children on their individual
issues the order for their discharge. or she leaves the hospital. Our Case provide information about any of and Speech Therapy. For more insurance carrier is the responsibility policies, or when there is eligibility
Managers will assist you in arranging the medications prescribed for you. information, call 337-527-4357. of the patient. As a courtesy, our staff
GOING HOME the additional care or medical Outpatient Pharmacy hours are will assist with this process. under two federal programs. This also
When your doctor feels that you are equipment that you will need. The Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. INSURED PATIENTS All Worker’s Compensation claims must can occur when you are involved in
ready to leave the hospital, he or she following services are offered by West to 5 p.m. For additional information, We will need a copy of your I.D. be approved by your carrier before a motor vehicle accident and have
will authorize a hospital discharge. Calcasieu Cameron Hospital (WCCH) to call 337-527-4174. card or any insurance forms that are services are rendered. medical and automobile insurance.
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