Page 50 - Literati Bytes
P. 50
An Alien Comes To My Home The Travelling Alien
It was Sunday .I had my dinner and went to bed. I was On Diwali night, I heard some noise on my terrace. I went up and
having a wonderful dream that night, which involved a saw lights with sound, Wow! it was a Spaceship and an Alien. He
fairy who visited me. saw me and asked, “Where Am I”. I said, “You are on Earth”. He
was very friendly. I asked him, “How did u come here”. He said, “I
But suddenly, I heard a ‘whooshing sound’. I woke but I was travelling and saw lot of beautiful diyas and lights. Suddenly
was still fast-a-sleep. But this time I heard the sound the antenna stopped working, so I came here”. I said, oh! its
Diwali and people are celebrating it with lights and sweets.
louder than before, which awakes me fully. I saw a UFO
The alien said, I like travelling, can you show me the planet Earth?
like thing and landed infornt of my house. I heard a I said, Yes, let’s go.
‘whizzing’ sound and a ladder coming out of UFO. I saw a He had magical powers and so we would reach the place in a
creature coming out of it.
First, we went to see Great wall of China. It is too long.
The creature had two eyes, a pair of antennas on top Then Colosseum in Rome. It’s an oval shaped amphitheater.
of its head. It was green in color and looking around Next Chichen Itza in Mexico. City built by Maya people.
Fourth one was Machu Picchu in Peru. It’s a royal city.
curiously. It opened my room’s window and entered in my Later we visited Christ the redeemer in Brazil.
room. I was frightened. It said,” Don’t worry. I won’t harm Followed by Petra in Jordan. It is Rock carved city.
you”. It asked for food. I gave some. Then we played for Last we went to see the Taj Mahal in India. It’s a white marble
some time and alarm rang. It said,”Good bye” and went
We travelled a lot and had lot of fun. Alien said, “Earth is very
out through the window. It boarded the UFO. The UFO took
beautiful. Always take care of your planet”. I said, “These were
off and disappeared. the seven wonders of the world, and still there are lot many
Next morning I told everybody about the alien beautiful places on Earth”. He had to return to his planet and so
we came back home, and I fixed the antenna of the spaceship. I
however nobody believed it. They said it was a dream.
gifted him a book on our planet “Earth”.
Radharani Yeotikar (I) Adheesh Bargaje (II)