Page 53 - Literati Bytes
P. 53

Travelling Alien

                  The Alien gave a flower to the princess

                 and asked her to be his friend. The                                                                                 Once upon a time, there was an alien.He was

                 Princess agreed. The princess invited                                                                               living with his family in Mars, He decided to

                 the Alien to her Castle. The Alien was                                                                              travel to Planet SUN,when they went closer

                 stunned on seeing the beautiful Castle                                                                              to Sun they felt very hot and they went to

                 The princess offered him a Chocolate                                                                                URANUS.But it was very cold in Uranus, then

                 cake to eat. The Alien told the princess                                                                            decided to travel to Earth.They landed in

                 about the curse of the witch that had                                                                               Earth and said how beautiful planet is

                 turned him to a small Alien. Rapunzel                                                                               this.But they found lots of people and animals

                 gave the Alien a magical flower to                                                                                  everywhere and got scared and ran away to

                 smell, as soon as the Alien smelled the                                                                             hide themself.

                 flower, He turned to a handsome                                                                                     They thought and talked with each other that

                 prince. The prince and theprincess                                                                                  Sun, Venus and Earth are beautiful planets

                 married and stayed happily everafter.                                                                               but not the safest place for us.Then they

                                                                                                                                     went to Mercury, but they found no one in

                                                                             Tanishi Ghosh (II)                                      Mercury.

                                                                                                                                     Lastly they returned to their own planet

                                                                                                                                     Mars, where they found their Alien Friends

                                                                                                                                     andj relatives.They felt very happy and lived

                                                                                                                                     happily in their Planet Mars.

                                                                                                                                                                                          Shwetashree Dash (II)
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