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P. 52
The Story Of A Princess
Many years ago there was a big palace. In that palace The Alien Prince Ritwik
lived a king and a queen. They lived happily, but they Once upon a time, an Alien came to
don't have a child. After some years they have a child, Earth from a remote planet in a
then they become happy. spaceship. He landed on a beautiful
One day, many hours in the night, when all were garden. There he saw a Castle where a
sleeping, the giant came. Then they all got up and pretty princess lived. The Alien was
came down. The giant said that, when the baby very small.He was surprised to see the
becomes big, I will kidnap her. big castle and a fountain besides it. The
After many years when she grew up, the giant comes garden was surrounded with beautiful
again. Seeing this, all were scared. The giant said, I and colorful flowersThe princess saw
have come again and I will kidnap her now. The giant the small Alien playing in the garden
picks her up and put her in a deep forest. When that from the window of the Castle. The
princess got up, she see here and there and she ask, Princess came out and held the alien in
where am I? She walks in that forest. She sees a small her hand. She asked the little creature
house. She asks, is somebody there? She goes its name. The Alien told the princess
upstairs and sees four bears. She gets so scared. She that its name was Ritwik. Rapunzel the
runs out of the house. She goes to another forest. She princess asked the Alien about his
sees in that forest, flowers, plants and leaves. She journey to Earth on the spaceship. They
sits there for some time. became good friends.
Parnavi Muzumdar (II)