Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 10-13-17
P. 13
Middleton High Class Of 1960 Celebrates 57 Years
The Middleton High School Class of 1960 cele- brated 57 years in August. Their theme was “Remember- ing the Past, Reflecting Upon the Present and Reaching for the Future.”
Among the activities the class hosted were: a “Tour of Tampa,” including lunch at a Soul Food Restaurant; Game Night at the host hotel, Ban- quet/Dance, and Sunday morning worship at New Mt. Zion MB Church. The finale of the reunion was a 9-day trip to New York City, visiting vari- ous points of interest.
Gerard Williams was the Reunion President, and Exie Chester Anderson was the Vice President. (Pho- tos by Sylvester Harris of Treasured Moments)
Class members seated: Hazel Riggins Brown, BettyDavis White, Ruth Spencer Price, Georgia Nelson, Delores Cooper Hardy, Joyce Livingston Marshall, Viola Jones Fitzgerald, Elsie Daniels Hires, Barbara Daniels Ellis and Helen Fields Armstrong.
Standing: left to right, Chester White, Jr., Barbara Wright, Robert J. Williams, Nina Berry Small, Wilbur Jones, Jacqueline McKinney Preston, Clarence Thomas, Jacqueline Gardner Wilks, Bettye Wilson Ennis, Rosetta Gowins Barnes, Exie Chester Anderson, Louise Cherry Favors, Mae Jones Johnson, Cora Jones Yopp, Nelson Griffith, Edward Love, and Gerard Williams.
Middleton High Class of 1960 worshiped at New Mt. Zion. They are shown with the pastor, Rev. Larry L. Roundtree, II, and his wife, Sameya Roundtree, seated center.
Bettye Wilson Ennis and Helen Fields Armstrong.
Barbara Wright and Nel- son Griffith.
Middleton High class members Hazel Rig-
gins Brown and Jacqueline Gardner Wilks. Wilbur Jones and Betty Jones.
Men who enjoyed the reunion activities were: Lensy Dr. Arnetia Sampson Hardy, Gerard Williams, and Chester White, Jr. and Dr. Ntungwa Maasha.
Freddie Hires, Elsie Daniels Hires, Dorothy Banks, Betty Davis White, Jacqueline Gardner Wilks and Louise Cherry Favors.
Maasha Rosetta Gowins Barnes, Gerard Williams, Viola Jones Fitzgerald and Edward Love