Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 11-3-15 Edition
P. 10

St. Petersburg AKA Chapter To Host Cluster II Conference Nov. 13-14
Committee members Howard Rick, Carolyn Banks and Richard Reese.
ST. PETERSBURG - More than 400 members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. will join together for the South At- lantic Region Cluster II Con- ference beginning on Friday, Nov. 13 and concluding on Sat- urday, Nov. 14 at the Hilton Carillon Hotel in St. Peters- burg.
The purpose of the confer- ence is for members to share in "The Power of The Pearl Con- nection" by focusing on the sorority's programmatic thrust, "Launching New Di- mensions of Service."
During the conference weekend, members expect to donate hundreds of backpacks filled with school supplies to Pinellas County Schools Homeless Education Assis- tance Team (HEAT) program. The effort is part of a commu- nity service project to assist homeless students in pre-K to 12th grade.
In addition to sisterly fel- lowship, enriching workshops and recognition of outstanding service, members will also par- ticipate in a special Friday night HBCU-themed recep- tion, "Friday Night Live" as part of this two-day event.
The Cluster, under the dy- namic leadership of South At- lantic Regional Director Sharon Brown Harriott and Cluster II Coordinator Donna Douglas, consists of eleven graduate chapters and three undergraduate chapters from areas, including Orlando, Lakeland, Tampa, Clearwater, Bradenton and Ft. Myers.
This year's Cluster II Con- ference planning is hosted by the members of Zeta Upsilon Omega Chapter along with conference chairman, Mani- tia Moultrie and co-chairs Sharon Jackson and Yol- undra Whitehead.
Spring Hill-Sulphur Springs Family Reunion
In what was felt to be a his- torical event, more than 300 people attended the Spring Hill-
Sulphur Springs Reunion Dance.
Ruby Bunts, Kathy Rogers, Emma Ross and Cydell McGhie.
Dale Savage attended the reunion/dance.
Dressed for the occasion was Johnny Banks.
Jackie Jones enjoyed the reunion.
Thirteenth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission Announces County Court Vacancy
The Thirteenth Circuit Ju- dicial Nominating Commission is seeking to fill a vacancy in the Hillsborough County Court. The vacancy was cre- ated by the elevation of Judge Kim Hernandez Vance to the Circuit Court.
An applicant must be a res- ident of Hillsborough County, a registered voter and a mem- ber of The Florida Bar for the past five years.
Applicants must submit a fully completed original and one (1) copy of the application, along with a photograph at- tached to the original and to the copy, and one (1) redacted copy of the application, along with a photograph attached to the redacted copy.
Mail completed applica- tions to C. Howard Hunter, Chair, Thirteenth Circuit Judi- cial Nominating Commission, Hill Ward Henderson, 101 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 3700, Tampa, FL 33601, no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 30.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please remember to include the new Form 6, “Full And Public Dis- closure Of Financial Interest.”
In addition to the original and copies, applicants are re- quested to provide one (1) elec- tronic unredacted (PDF) copy of the application and one (1) electronic redacted (PDF) copy of the application. The elec- tronic applications must be submitted on either a USB flash drive or CD. Material redacted by the applicant must be limited to exempt or confi- dential information pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, Florida’s Public Records Law.
The commission will sub- mit the names of nominees for the judgeship to Gov. Rick Scott by Dec. 28.
Application forms are available from The Florida Bar’s website. Look for “Appli- cation for Judicial Seat.” Appli- cants will be asked to provide their names, addresses, tele- phone and fax numbers, and mail addresses to facilitate communication with the com- mission.
If you have questions, con- tact C. Howard Hunter, Chair, Thirteenth Circuit Judi- cial Nominating Commission, at (813) 227-8402 or
Gloria Jones and Pat Lewis attended the reunion/dance.
Vivian Jones and Liz Hale.
Many Inmates Released From Prison Facing Deportation
WASHINGTON – Almost a third of 6,000 federal pris- oners scheduled to be freed as part of a push to reduce America's soaring incarcera- tion rate, will immediately be turned over to U. S. Immigra- tion authorities for deporta- tion proceedings.
Many of approximately 1,780 foreign inmates to be put on the deportation track will leave family members be- hind in the United States.
Most of the foreign in- mates are Mexicans, accord- ing ICE.
Final deportation orders are in effect for 763 of the for- eign inmates, who could be deported within days. The rest will be transferred to im- migrant detention centers to await orders.
After those took effect last November, 23,000 prisoners
applied for reduced sen- tences. Judges granted three quarters of the requests, of which this weekend's releases are a portion, according to the U. S. Sentencing Commission.
Judges granted the most petitions from inmates who were prosecuted in Texas' western judicial district, 1,048 in all.
About a quarter of western Texas inmates cleared for re- lease are foreign nationals, primarily from Mexico, ac- cording to Edgar Holguin, a local public defender who has worked for many who are being turned over to ICE cus- tody.
Due Process Concerns ICE said its handling of the inmates will be no differ- ent than the thousands of de- portations it oversees weekly. Under Democratic Presi-
dent Barack Obama, the federal government has de- ported more immigrants than under any previous adminis- tration, more than two million in total.
The American Civil Liber- ties Union on Thursday wrote to ICE Chief Sarah Sal- daña, urging the agency to ensure that each inmate en- tering ICE custody in the cur- rent release wave gets due process, including the oppor- tunity to consult an immigra- tion attorney and contest their removal in court.
In a statement, ICE said it will ensure all immigrants subject to deportation "re- ceive the full process they are due while in removal proceed- ings and ICE custody," includ- ing access to phones to contact attorneys, consulates and legal aid groups.

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