Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 11-3-15 Edition
P. 11

Soaps/Horoscopes/Pictures From The Past
Bold And The Beautiful - Eric and Brooke meet with Julius and Vivienne to discuss the surrogacy plans. Julius and Vivienne hurry to try and keep Nicole from doing something she might regret. Brooke and Eric agree that what is good for Rick and Maya, may not be right for Nicole. Maya and Nicole share a close moment as sisters. Eric suggests that Brooke move back into the Forrester man- sion.
Days Of Our Lives - All of Salem gathers at the Martin House to celebrate the town’s Bicentennial Gala – a night which promises to be full of ro- mance, mystery, and danger. Abigail is stunned when she stumbles upon incriminating evidence against Ben! Hope and Aiden’s wedding begins. Adri- enne is shaken when she wit- nesses Eve and Justin in a passionate kiss.
General Hospital- Lulu makes a crushing discovery that will change her life forever. Morgan has a tryst with a new female friend. Jake questions Hayden’s interest in attending his wedding. Carly seeks to con-
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — For about three weeks it’s easier to make difficult personal decisions. Share your vision. You’re powerful and attractive. Hold your temper. Smolder pensively. A professional chal- lenge requires focus. Keep prac- tical stability.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Relaxation and playful- ness restore you. Expand your perspective. Explore cultural arts and pleasures. Retrospec- tion and reflection occupy you over the next three weeks. Com- plete the old phase and prepare for what’s next.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — A creative collaboration feeds your spirit. For about three weeks. Plan carefully, and listen to your partner’s view. Handle financial matters. Take care of family.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Develop your partner- ship. Talk things over and align on the plan. Professional oppor- tunities arise over the next three weeks, and communication is the key that unlocks doors.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Exotic adventures pull you over the next three weeks. Research, study and learn vora- ciously. Focus on providing great service, while you plan your next getaway. Resolve lo- gistics and make reservations.
Aries (March 21-April 19) — Creative play with friends and family suits you. Discuss pas- sions. Financial planning with partners sets the stage (over the next three weeks) for an imag- ined future. Invest in home, family and property. Romance?
firm an important discovery. Liz and Patrick discuss Liz’s upcom- ing nuptials and later run into Jake and Sam. Jake feels a strong sense of deja vu with Liz. Carly makes a mind-blowing discovery and later has a dan- gerous encounter. Kiki acts out after learning of Morgan’s tryst. Lulu unleashes her fury on Dante. Patrick and Sam share some sweet family time to- gether. As Liz starts to get ready for her big day, Carly desper- ately tries to get ahold of Jake. Michael, Sonny and Jake worry about Carly’s whereabouts. Morgan tries to be a good friend to Kiki after her raucous night out.
Young And The Restless - Hilary is shocked by the truth, and the gala guests learn the building is burning. Christine wants to have Adam taken to Walworth prison. Cane learns Joe is with Lily at the gala. Fire spreads through the Newman Towers. Victor and Jack work together to help save the gala guests. Adam risks it all. Ashley is caught in the line of fire. Jack and Phyllis must fight to sur- vive. Stitch makes a confession.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Discussions with part- ners bear fruit over the next three weeks. Play with long- range plans. Listen for what they want. Choose your course. Household issues demand at- tention. Family comes first.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Things are starting to make sense. Study, write and research flow. Soak up local culture. Work booms over the next three weeks. Get what you need, within budget.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Today and tomorrow are good for making (and spending) money. For the next three weeks it’s easier to express your feel- ings and creativity. Get physical about a passion. Dance, run and play.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Do home renovation over the next three weeks. Discuss de- signs and colors. You’re espe- cially confident and sensitive. Fill your home with love to sur- round your family. This revital- izes you.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Passions run wild. You may need to move fast. Seduce your audience over the next three weeks. Write, broadcast and record. Notice your dreams. Look back for insight on the road ahead.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Figure out whom to ask for help. Teamwork wins today and tomorrow. For the next three weeks income depends on strong communications. Estab- lish your message clearly. Get expert assistance. Don’t try to do everything.
The Pastor of Greater Mt. Carmel, Rev. Ricky Polk and wife, attended the Gospel Explosion that was held at the Pepin Hospitality Center.
Marvin Martin, Sr. and Adalia Phillips were among dinner guests at the City of Tampa Black History Committee’s 25th Anniversary Celebration.
Ms. Renee Howell gave a tribute to her brother, Apostle James H. Howell at the “Hollywood Glam 65” event, held in his honor.
Pastor Antonia Hawkins and his First Lady Aja Hawkins, welcomed members and friends at the “Faith Alive” Program

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