Page 15 - PULSE@UM ISSUE 1/2019
P. 15

our people, our story

         professor dr jamunarani a/p s vadivelu: renowneD microbiologist
         anD meDical eDucationist

        I graduated with a Ph.D. in Microbiology from   program enabled me to learn about leadership
        the  London  School  of  Hygiene  and  Tropical   skills  and  medical  education.  With  the  skills
        Medicine,  United  Kingdom  (UK)  and  worked   and  knowledge  learnt,  I  was  able  to  initiate
        as  a  postdoctoral  research  fellow  in  the   various  activities  in  the  development  and
        University of Maryland, United States. I chose   implementation of medical education through
        to serve my country and began as a lecturer   MERDU, a unit for medical education, research
        in  the  Department  of  Medical  Microbiology,   and development.
        Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (UM)
        in March 1989.                               It  was  a  tough  ride  but  with  full  support
                                                     from  the  Dean,  Professor  Dato’  Dr  Adeeba
        Starting as a young academician in UM, I faced   Kamarulzaman,  we  initiated  the  reformation
        coping with the challenge of both the teaching   by  introducing  a  new  integrated  curriculum.
        and research in early academia. When I first   It  has  subsequently  developed  into  the
        joined UM, I only knew what lecturing was, but   organised and structured University of Malaya
        not  teaching;  and  I  had  neither  been  taught   Medical  Programme  (UMMP)  that  we  have
        how  to  teach.  I  would  say  that  the  learning   today. The current curriculum provides optimal
        process  of  the  local  students  was  much   integration to fill the gaps between basic and
        different  from  where  I  was  trained.  In  the   clinical sciences. As the head of MERDU since
        UK, I was receiving lectures all the time and   2012, I always believe that a good curriculum
        expected  to  learn  independently  and  search   combined  with  committed  academic  staff
        for  knowledge.  Due  to  different  educational   can  enhance the  learning and teaching
        cultures,  I  can  understand  that  the  drastic   experience for learners and teachers. We took
        shift and change in the learning paradigm for   this opportunity to write a book on the various
        school  leavers  entering  University  is  difficult   processes in medical education, to help new
        for the local students to cope with. They thus   lecturers in their early academic career.
        want  us  to  teach  them  instead  of  getting
        directions to learn further.                 Coming from a basic science background, on
                                                     my  return  to  Malaysia  I  started  working  on
        In the past, the medical curriculum was non-  melioidosis.  We  organised  the  first  research
        integrated and it was difficult for the student   meeting on melioidosis and it has now grown
        to  integrate  basic  sciences  with  clinical   to an annual international meeting, where the
        sciences.  In  order  to  obtain  the  skills  for   research  fraternity  in  melioidosis  has  grown
        teaching  in  a  medical  programme,  I  applied   significantly.  My  research  interest  grew  and
        and  was  selected  to  join  a  prestigious   I  worked  on  many  areas,  collaborating  with
        2-year  fellowship  programme  offered  by  the   clinical colleagues. I subsequently undertook
        Foundation  of  Advancement  of  International   a  Master’s  in  Computational  Genetics  and
        Medical  Education  and  Research  (FAIMER)   Bioinformatics at Imperial College, London in
        under  the  auspices  of  ECFMG,  USA.  The   2002. With the introduction of High Impact

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