Page 20 - PULSE@UM ISSUE 1/2019
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what’s on
services and information using the internet of ICT in health care and education, also
and related technologies. In a broader sense, highlighted the lack of and need for evidence
the term characterizes not only a technical through high quality research in eHealth.
development, but also a new way of working,
a change in attitude and a commitment; for For the first time, a hackathon was organised to
networking, global thinking, striving to improve provide a platform for undergraduate students
health care locally, regionally and worldwide from the FOM and Faculty of Computer
by using information and communication Science and Information Technology (FCSIT)
technology (ICT). The World Health Assembly to collaborate to develop eHealth innovations;
in 2018 acknowledged the potential major to improve patient care and health delivery. A
role eHealth can play in improving public hackthon is typically an event that provides a
health; and accepted a resolution on digital platform for computer programmers, designers
health. This resolution urges Member States and content experts to collaborate and work
to prioritize the development and greater use together to develop software that is functional
of digital technologies in health, as a means by the end of the event, often within days. At
of promoting Universal Health Coverage and the eHealth Research Carnival, the eHealth
advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. Hackathon attracted undergraduate students
from the Faculties of Medicine and Computer
In the eleventh Malaysia Plan 2016-2020, the Science & Information Technology to ‘hack’
Malaysian government aims to implement problems faced by healthcare providers and
the eHealth strategy, which incorporates patients. Under the guidance of expert clinical
existing ICT systems into one system-wide mentors, the teams brainstormed ideas and
model to enhance health data management; generated eHealth innovations; to solve
and support research, development and problems related to healthcare systems or a
commercialisation (R&D&C) initiatives. This particular disease.
signifies the importance of e-Health as
Malaysia moves into the era of IR4.0. There were 34 students involved forming
eight teams; each team was led by 1-2 expert
highlights of the ehealth research mentors. Over the intense 2-day event, the
carnival 2018 FOM students used their medical knowledge to
During the eHealth Reseach Carnival, we develop the content of the app, whereas their
were honoured to have numerous well-known IT counterparts buried their heads into laptops
international and local speakers share their busy writing code for the apps. The innovations
knowledge and experience with the University. they created ranged from a health app for
The symposia, seminars and workshops were patients with epilepsy (Epi) to a medication
beneficial as shown by the positive feedback alarm and compliance system (HaCkiT). At the
from the participants. Associate Professor end, HaCkit emerged as the champion of the
Adam Dunn from Macquarie University eHealth Hackathon 2018!
(Australia) and Associate Professor James
Pickering from the University of Leeds (United As part of public engagement, the eHealth
Kingdom) while emphasising the importance Research Carnival also organised a public