Page 22 - PULSE@UM ISSUE 1/2019
P. 22
department of medicine research exhibition: 10th to
12th october 2018
dR JESLINdA PAULINE KERISHNAN the department, rather than each other. This
DePartment of meDicine platform allowed researchers within the
department to share ideas and knowledge
he Department of Medicine, Faculty while stimulating discussion on improving or
Tof Medicine, University of Malaya expanding their research.
successfully organised the 1st Department of
Medicine Research Exhibition in conjunction The department received an overwhelming
with the FOM e-Health Research Carnival 2018. participation of 62 posters from various Units
The exhibition was a three-day event, held from in the Department of Medicine and other
10th to 12th October 2018, at Centerpoint, departments in the Faculty of Medicine. The
Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. posters were judged in a two staged process.
The event aimed to provide an opportunity for The first round of judging occurred on the 10th
researchers in the department and the faculty of October 2018. Only early career researchers
to showcase and share their research with were allowed to enter this competition. 35
each other and the rest of the university. As posters were presented and judged by a panel
the department of medicine expanded over the of 8 lecturers from the Department of Medicine.
years, individual subspecialties within internal The 8 finalists then entered a second round of
medicine have increasingly worked in silos, judging by Professor Dr Sanjiv Mahadeva from
often collaborating with scientists outside the University of Malaya and Professor Phyo