Page 19 - PULSE@UM ISSUE 1/2019
P. 19

what’s on

         ehealth research carnival 2018: 8th to 12th october

         PROFESSOR dR Ng CHIRK JENN                     staff, students and patients
         dR TEO CHIN HAI
         dR WOO WINg JUN                            •   foster  eHealth  research  collaboration
         DePt of Primary care meDicine                  within and across disciplines
                                                    •   build researchers’ capacity in eHealth.
            he University of Malaya eHealth Initiative
         T(UMeHI) and Research Management Unit  The eHealth Research Carnival also included a
         (RMU)  Faculty  of  Medicine  successfully  co-  Public Forum to engage the public and patients
         organised  the  annual  Faculty  of  Medicine  in research. Five speakers from the FOM spoke
         (FOM) research week from 8-12 October 2018.  on  various  ways  to  use  technology  such  as
         With the aim of making research more fun and  websites and apps, to access evidence-based
         accessible,  the  event  was  rebranded  to  the  health information.
         ‘eHealth Research Carnival’.
                                                    why ehealth?
         The  objectives  of  the  eHealth  Research  ehealth  is  an  emerging and game-changing
         Carnival were to:                          field  in  health  care.  The  term  ‘eHealth’  often
         •   improve  eHealth  awareness  among  UM  refers to the organization and delivery of health

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