Page 21 - PULSE@UM ISSUE 1/2019
P. 21

what’s on

        forum where healthcare experts shared some  (such as the ‘Publish or Perish’ symposium and
        useful  health  tips;  with  topics  ranging  from  the  ‘Developing  eHealth  Interventions  (Web/
        ‘How to search for reliable health information’  Apps)’  workshop).  The  organizer  was  hugely
        to  ‘Top  10  mobile  health  apps’.  Throughout  encouraged by the overwhelming response and
        the Carnival, experts stressed the importance  intends to organise more similar ehealth and
        of  engaging  users  in  the  development  of  research workshops in the future.
        eHealth  interventions  (user-centred  design);
        this will help researchers and app developers  The  Organising  Committee  would  like  to
        understand users’ needs and develop apps that  take  this  opportunity  to  acknowledge  all  the
        are more likely to be used and change users’  speakers,  sponsors  (Microsoft),  lecturers,
        behaviours.                                 students and Faculty of Medicine management
                                                    for supporting this event.
        Overall,  the  response  has  been  beyond  the
        organiser’s expectation: the post-event survey  For more information on the UM eHealth Initiative,
        showed  very  positive  feedback  and  some  please visit:
        symposia and workshops were over-subscribed;

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