Page 2 - PULSE@UM ISSUE 1/2019
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Pulse@UM Team since 2018
3 message from the 19 what’s on
deputy dean
research week 2018: e-health
our people, our story DePartment of meDicine research
4 Prof Dr cheng hwee ming: exhibition 2018
university reDefineD
24 through our lens
Prof Dr christina tan Phoay lay: assoc Prof chan yoke fun:
an oPen letter from a family asm toP research scientists
Physician anD meDical eDucationist malaysia 2018 awarD winner
Prof mohD rais bin mustafa: a Prof Dr onn hashim: asm research
tale of acaDemic freeDom anD fellowshiP winner 2018
Passionate research
Datuk Prof Dr awang bulgiba awang
Prof sim si mui: reflection on my mahmuD: university of malaya
acaDemic Journey eminent scholar excellence awarD
Prof Jamunarani a/P s vaDivelu: awards and recognition
renowneD microbiologist anD 32 universiti malaya excellence awarD
meDical eDucationist winners 2018
18 #throwback2018 34 upcoming events
year in review - faculty of
meDicine achievements:
grants anD Publications