Page 4 - PULSE@UM ISSUE 1/2019
P. 4

our people, our story

        professor dr cheng hwee ming: university reDefineD  - a Physiologist
        reflects on his convoluteD Journey

         started  teaching Physiology  in  1986  to  my   the path to success is such quantitation and
        i first class of medical students, and in recent   publicizing  the  results  and  distributing  the
        years teaching the children of my early batches   rewards based on the numbers.
        of medics. I went through the usual academic
        promotion-induced  pathway  of  research  and   The  key  performance  index  of  the  heads  of
        writing papers. But my pride and joy remains   university  departments  is  dependent  on  the
        with teaching, helping students to understand   key performance indexes of the staff. The key
        and  enjoy  physiology,  a  key  cornerstone  of   performance index of the Dean of the faculty
        clinical  medicine.  Below  are  a  few  pertinent   hinges  on  the  combined  key  performance
        observations,  thoughts  and  concerns for  the   indexes  of  the  component  departments  and
        changing  academia.  Is  there  hope  for  better   thus this  ‘merit go round’ continues to turn.
        homeostatic regulation in our universities?
                                                    I have taught for more than three decades in
        Two  aspects  of  the  initial  university  model,   a university medical school. I tell my younger
        autonomy  and  academic  freedom,  are      colleagues that I do not envy them as they are
        increasingly less prominent, though admirable   involuntarily  caught  up  in  this  performance
        intrinsic characteristics that used to define the   wheel. They have less unpressured time to read
        nature of a university, as a center for learning,   and prepare lectures. Less unhurried time to
        thought  and  creativity.  Extrinsic  factors  and   be creative and less time to have interactions
        pressures  have  not  helped  to  enrich  and   with  students,  whom  the  university  should
        inspire university life, but rather the converse.  exist for.
        The  university  is  progressively  more  market-
        driven.  Documentation,  quantitation  of  less   Our  university  academic  culture  where  our
        essential  parameters  over  quality  teaching   students  spend  several  prime,  formative
        and education are evident. The annual ‘Ranked   years has a major influence on their thinking,
        or be Yanked’ exercise consumes much time   learning and their development; as wholesome,
        and  energy.  More  meetings  are  needed  for   responsible  professionals  and  citizens.  Like
        such  data,  to  analyse,  promote  and  market   produces like.
        achievements that can be publicized.
                                                    Professor Dr Cheng served at UM from 1 October
        Jerry Muller in his insightful book ‘Tyranny of   1986 till 27 April 2018.
        Metrics’  highlights  that  the  obsession  with
        quantifying human performance  threatens our
        schools, universities, medical care, businesses
        and governments. It’s done in the belief that

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