Page 3 - PULSE@UM ISSUE 1/2019
P. 3

message from the deputy dean

        professor dr ng chirk jenn
        DePuty Dean (research)                                  Pulse@UM is a  tri-annual  research

                                                                bulletin  in English published  by the
                            warmest greetings!                  Faculty  of Medicine at  the University
                                                                of Malaya. The views and opinions
                            it gives  me great  pleasure  to write   expressed  here  are  those  of  the
                            this message for the first issue of the   author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
                                                                those  of  UM, and the  editorial  board.
                            faculty of medicine research bulletin   Materials from the Bulletin  may  be
                            in 2019.  i would  like to take this   reprinted with proper attribution.
                            opportunity to thank prof yvonne lim   If you  would  like  to learn  more  about
                            who has recently left us to take up the   anything  from this bulletin,  or would
                                                                like to contribute or subscribe to future
        position  as  the  Director  of  International  Relations  Office.  She   issues, please get  in touch with us  at
        has been instrumental in moving research forward in the faculty
        for the past three years – thank you, yvonne!           For  the  online  version  of  this  bulletin,
        2018  has been  a challenging  year for  all of us at  faculty of   contributors
        medicine;  despite  this, we continued  to  excel in  our  research
        (read  #throwback2018) and  have  successfully organized   We would like to acknowledge  and
                                                                thank the following contributors to this
        several  research  events  (read  what’s  on:  e-health  research   issue:
        carnival  and department of medicine research exhibition). and   Cheng Hwee  Ming, Christina Tan Phoay
        it is no surprise that some of our faculty members have received   Lay, Mohd  Rais  Bin  Mustafa, Sim Si
                                                                Mui, Jamunarani  A/P  S Vadivelu,  Ng
        national  and  international  recognition  for  their  execellent   Chirk  Jenn, Teo Chin  Hai,  Woo  Win
        academic and research work – many congratulations! (through   Jung, Jeslinda Pauline Kerishnan, Chan
                                                                Yoke Fun, Onn Hashim, Awang Bulgiba
        our lens)                                               Awang Mahmud.
                                                                editorial board
        last but not least, the highlight of this issue of pulse@um is
        the words of wisdom from our colleagues who have retired in   Advisors:
                                                                Adeeba Kamarulzaman
        the year 2018. thank you so much for sharing your experiences   Ng Chirk Jenn
                                                                Low Wah Yun
        and reflections – you are an inspiration to all of us as teachers,
        researchers and clinicians. you have taught us the importance   Editor-in-Chief:
                                                                Fadzilah Hanum Mohd Mydin
        of setting our goals right but being flexible in how we get there.
        hope you enjoy reading this issue and please let us know how we   Editors:
                                                                Choo Wan Yuen
        can improve pulse@um to serve you better.               Tan Choo Hock
                                                                Tan Kae Yi
                                                                Nurul Farhana Mohd Nasir
        with best wishes,                                       Carol Ann Cheah Wei Qi
                                                                cover photo
                                                                Cover  image  by  SewCream  at
        professor dr ng chirk jenn

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