Page 2 - Microsoft Word - The Parable of the Sower.docx
P. 2

I favour parables not because the initial interpretation almost leaps out at
               you but because, on careful consideration of each point that Jesus makes,
               deeper and more meaningful interpretations unfold. He makes us think!

               He challenges us to use our brains and our talents to spread the good
               news. We err if we take the stories literally; rather we must seek the

               deeper meaning they all contain.

               In the familiar Parable of the Sower Jesus the sower scatters seed on four

               types of ground. In three of the cases the relationship between the seed
               and the place that it lands is not conducive to germination or the

               sustenance of growth. Let’s briefly review the usual interpretation of this
               parable. Literally we simply assume that God is the sower, the Word is

               the seed and we are the soil.

               The first ground is the path. Hard packed so that the seed just lies on top

               of the ground; fodder for the birds. Similarly, some hearts are so hard
               that the truth of God’s word simply does not penetrate.

               Slide 3

               The Message quotes Isaiah’s forecast in these words :

               Your ears are open but you don’t hear a thing.
                   Your eyes are awake but you don’t see a thing.

               The people are blockheads!
               They stick their fingers in their ears

                   so they won’t have to listen;
               They screw their eyes shut

                   so they won’t have to look,
                   so they won’t have to deal with me face-to-face

                   and let me heal them.
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