Page 3 - Microsoft Word - The Parable of the Sower.docx
P. 3

The second ground is rocky with little soil. Roots lie close to the surface.
               The relentless heat of the sun dries the ground rapidly and the new plants
               wither and die. Some hearts receive the Word with Joy and are gung ho

               to go at the start but they fail to put down deep roots and their
               spirituality quickly fades.

               The third ground was covered with weeds and thorns and although the
               seeds germinate and start to grow they are soon shaded and crowded out

               and they too wither and die. Some hearts become involved with weeds
               and thorns and lose sight of the word. Inappropriate literature, film,

               conversations and internet sites invade the heart, provide fertile ground
               for Satan, and choke out the new spiritual growth. Their faith fails to


               An old American indigenous peoples’ tale tells the story of an elder who

               was telling a gathering of young men about this type of personal

                “It is like two dogs fighting inside of us,” the elder related. “There is
               one good dog who wants to do the right and the other dog always wants

               to do the wrong. Sometimes the good dog seems stronger and is winning
               the fight. But sometimes the bad dog is stronger and wrong is winning

               the fight.”

               “Who is going to win in the end?” a young man asks.

               The elder answered, “The one you feed.”

               Too many of us feed the dog of worldly desires letting it take over and

               ruin our lives.
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