Page 8 - Microsoft Word - The Parable of the Sower.docx
P. 8

Caring, sharing and loving what a great recipe. Hugs, handshakes, acts
               of kindness things that one does not what one says. AS a former member
               of Rotary International I was introduced to a simple, four-part guideline

               introduced by Herbert J Taylor a man of action, faith and high moral
               principles. Charged with trying to rescue a dying company the deeply

               religious Taylor prayed for guidance to create a guide for his employees
               to use in their dealings with each other and their customers. As a result,

               the four way test, which may be one of the most famous statements of
               our time, was born.

               The four-way test of things we, think, say or do is as follows:

               Slide 10

                   1. Is it the truth?
                   2. Is it Fair to all concerned?

                   3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
                   4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned.

               Following this guide will guarantee that we become involved in the lives
               of others. Paul writes Slide 11

                “we wanted to give you our hearts and we did.” 1 Thesselonians 2:8

               Rick Ezell wrote, “When we make room for others in our lives the walls

               of indifference and apathy come down. When we make room for others
               we discover the best of others and the best in ourselves..” Truly we

               prepare the soil to produce a rich harvest.

               Martin Buber, the Austrian philosopher, wrote “Sin is our failure to

               grant another his plea for community.” May we never be guilty of that
               sin as we ensure the seeds of authentic relationships are firmly planted to
               yield God’s bountiful harvest.
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