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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
THE LORD'S DAY - June 25, 2017
"We are a welcoming family of believers in Jesus Christ,
sharing the love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit."
Preparing for Worship
Welcome and Call to Worship
Wayne Dewart
Moment of Quiet Preparation
Praising God
*Opening Hymn, #458, “Be Thou My Vision”
*Greeting your neighbour
*Praise Time
Kids' Time: Karl Murch
(Children SK to Gr. 8 invited to front of Sanctuary for Kids'
Time and then to Sunday School downstairs.)
Responding to God
Pastoral Prayer
*Doxology, “All That I Am”
Matthew 13:1-8; 18-23
"The Seed Drill”
Going Forth to Serve God
Closing Hymn, “Open My Eyes, That I May See”
(Please see overhead screen.)
Benediction & Congregational Amen
*Please stand if you are able.
Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us consider how we may spur one another
on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as
some are in the habit of dong, but encouraging one another.