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Monthly Reminders

                     Please don’t forget the Leprosy Mission Stamp
                     Collection Box at the back of the Sanctuary placed by
                     our Ladies Fellowship Circle where you can deposit your
                     collected stamps for the Leprosy Mission.

                     The Christian Salvage bin is in the church lobby where
                     you can deposit any Christian books and other materials,
                     i.e. Bibles, Study Guides, etc., that are in good shape
                     which you are 1nished with. Karen and Dave Magee will
                     ensure their delivery to Christian Salvage.

                     O ering Cards are available at the church o4ce if you
                     wish a supply of them.

                     Special Occasions:  Please remember that if you wish a
                     birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion
                     announced in the bulletin, call the church o4ce at
                     705-746-9612.  As well, if you or someone you know has
                     reached a milestone, i.e. 80th, 90th, or 100th birthday,
                     please let the o4ce know so we may honour the

                     Change of Information:  If you have a change of address,
                     email, telephone number, or some other pertinent
                     information that should be on 1le with the church,
                     please call the o4ce, 705-746-9612.

                     Pre-Authorized Remittance:  Please remember that St.
                     Andrew’s is enrolled with PAR.  This allows those that
                     sign up to have their tithes or o7erings debited on the
                     20th of each month from their account.  This saves on
                     paperwork and time.

                     RENEWAL FELLOWSHIP:  within the Presbyterian
                     Church in Canada.  For further information, visit their
                     website at
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