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Missions Minute
Dear St. Andrew’s Church Family,
Here at Our Daily Bread Ministries we have been in much prayer.
Each morning our staff meets for a corporate time of prayer
where we bring requests we’ve received from our readers to the
Lord. We also pray for the Lord to bless and direct the ministry in
Canada and around the world. Right now, our focus in Canada is
very operational. We are in the midst of integrating an entirely
new computer system, coordinating our offices across the
country, and converting all mailing information and historical data
to a new platform. This is a huge undertaking. We also have to
train our staff to utilize the new software, a task in itself. Yet we
know the Lord is in control and is going before us to ensure
everything will work out according to His plan. We also know
your prayers on our behalf are essential.
Peace and joy to you this summer,
Brent Hackett
Executive Director
Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada
Bible Question: How many kinds of fruit does the Tree of
Life bear in the New Jerusalem?
Last Week's Bible Question: Who said, “Mine eyes have
seen thy salvation”? The answer is found in Luke 2:25 &
30 - Simeon.
John Hake, along with his wife Audrey, has been a
member of St. Andrew’s since 2005, as well as being part
of the Session and sitting on other committees. John has
very generously taken his place in the pulpit of our church
many times, and we look forward to his ministry this