Page 19 - Kingdom News Edition 9
P. 19

he  battleground  for  successful  and  per-     you how many times I did while wandering in
                manent  weight  loss  and  freedom  from         the Wilderness of Obesity.
                eating  disorders  is  fought  primarily  in
        T  mind!    When  you  attend  an  EAW                   The  truth  is  that  you  are  in  a  spiritual  battle
        health and  fitness class,  this  principle is taught    because your problem is rooted in sin, and the
        in the very first lesson.  Our lessons are referred      only  way  to  be  free  from  sin  is  through  the
                                                                 Blood  of  Jesus  Christ.    When  Jesus  sets  your
        to as "Concepts" because Romans 12:2 says not            mind free, then you will be able to think clearly
        to conform to the world's teachings, meaning its         because  you  will  have  the  mind  of  Christ
        patterns or systems, but to instead be changed,
        or  rather, transformed by the renewing of  your         (Philippians  2:5)  as  it  relates  to  eating  and
        mind.  In other words, God says that change be-          drinking for the glory of God instead of satisfy-
        gins from within which is contrary to the world's        ing your latest cravings.  When you are given a
                                                                 "sound mind" in that regard, then you will be
        lie that all you have to do is perform a new task        able to test and discern the good and perfect
        for thirty days in order to make it a habit.  How
        many of you have faithfully stuck to a diet or ex-       will of God concerning food in accordance with
        ercise  plan  for  thirty  or  more  days  and  then     Romans  12:2.    That  means  you  will  not  only
        gone back to your old eating habits?  I can't tell       want to eat for His glory, but He will empower
                                                                 you  to  actually  stick  with  a  health,  nutrition,
                                                                 and  exercise  plan  by  His  Spirit!    In  sum,  alt-
                                                                 hough the battlefield is your mind, the battle is
                                                                 spiritual.    In  other  words,  the  battle  is  the
                                                                 Lord's.  Stop fighting against Him, and you will
                                                                 finally start to win!
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