Page 19 - Kingdom News Edition 5 Online
P. 19

The Outpouring at Central Arkansas                                             The  outpouring  is  growing
                                                                                       each  day.  Not  just  in  the

        In times past, CAWC have experienced an outpour-                               physical building, but the Fa-
        ing from God. In 2016, igniting people throughout                              cebook  live  audience  is
        the  Central  Arkansas  region  by  being  part  of  Blue                      growing.    Miracles  have  oc-
        Flame  Revival  under  the  leadership  of  Apostles                           curred  even  through  Face-
        Ryan LeStrange and Jennifer LeClaire.  Things shift-                           book live recording. Because
        ed  for  them  when  they  moved  into  a  new                                 the  of  the  roar,  the  desire,
        standalone building from the storefront, which they                            the faith of those hungry for
        quickly  outgrew.  They had  to build  again,  experi-                         more  of  God.  Just  as  the
        ence  grow  pains  and  labor  to  recreate  a  level  of   woman  with  the  issue  of  blood,  in  Mark  5,  was
        presence and comfort they had in the previous lo-         pressing against the crowd, desperate to touch the
        cation, but God is always moving us from glory to         Anointed  one,  Jesus  the  Messiah;  her  faith  in  ac-
        glory; ever moving forward.                               tion  brought  forth  the  healing  that  was  reserved
                                                                  for her. As so, many who come in person or over
        In that time of building, unease and transition; they     the technology waves, are putting faith in action in
        were preparing for something they knew only the           response to the Word of God given and are partak-
        Lord could do.  Coming from a sustainable state of        ing  of  the  children’s  bread.    Testimonies  pour  in
        revival and outpour, the season of building and pre-      daily.  Here are few:
        paring  seemed  arduous.    Pastor  Darla  recalled
        standing in her field, and crying out,  “God, where       •  Elderly Woman’s Hearing restored in both ears.
        are  you?!  Show  me  your  Glory!”  Our  faithful  God   •  A Young man’s liver is healed and he is taken of
        heard her and a few weeks later He showed up.                the liver transplant list
                                                                  •  A  pregnant  woman  whose  child  had  a  tumor,
        Fast Forward to June 2-4, 2017                               discovered gold dust in her pants. God touched
                                                                     her  and  said  this  is  a  sign  that  I  have  healed
                             Starting June 2 , this particu-         your baby and you will have a normal birth.
                             lar  weekend  promised  to  be
                             another  session  of  revivalist
                                                                  There have been many more testimonies given and
                             speakers and high time of rev-       many  more  miracles  happening  since  the  time  of
                             elation  and  praise.    June  3 ,
                                                                  this interview. For up to date information and out-
                             Pastor Darla Martini released        pouring  experiences,  check  out  their  Facebook
        “Heaven Revealed” sharing her visitation in the 3         page: Central Arkansas Worship Center.
        heavens. She discussed the courts of heaven. That
        workshop broke open so many cases where people                                So now, thinking back on that
        were stuck in hopeful anticipation of a past word of                          unassuming,  blink  you’ll  miss
        breakthrough.  Breakthrough  came!  Deliverance                               it building; there is a drawing.
        came!  Revelation  came!  Miracles  and  Healing                              People  have  reported  feeling
        came! The entire weekend, people were experienc-                              a  shift  in  the  atmosphere
        ing  a  weight  of  God’s  presence  as  never  be-                           within  50-mile  radius  of  the
        fore.  The Lord told Pastor Darla that in 2017 as My                          building.  One Sunday, Pastor
        people proclaim heaven, I will demonstrate Heaven                             Darla  reported,  as  people
        on earth. So CAWC rapidly responded and pressed           came into the building, they would fall under the
        in.    Then  the  Holy  Spirit  whispered,  “Don’t        power of God, slain in the Spirit.  The tribe would
        Stop.”  And they haven’t…and God hasn’t.                  carry them into the Sanctuary so others can come
                                                                  in! Some people can barely walk up to the building
                 “As My people proclaim Heaven,
               I will demonstrate Heaven on Earth”                because  of  the  weighty  presence  of  God  flowing
                                                                  from The Hub.
          Information for Ryan LeStrange,
           Information for Jennifer LeClaire,
                                                                                     Kingdom    News   Magazine   ~ 19
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