Page 17 - Kingdom News Edition 5 Online
P. 17

a Business on a Shoestring Budget”, but
          I  still  had  not  returned  to  the  Christian        Intimacy with God birthed a calm, peaceful
          writers’  market.    Meanwhile,  God  was               assurance of who I was in Christ, a confi-
          building the message I needed for the next              dence  in  His  love  for  me  and  what  He
          step  in  my  writing  assignment  for  the             called  me  to  do.    My  passion  was  re-
          Kingdom.  In 2003-2004, life changed for                ignited, and I had a renewed commitment in
          me in dramatic and profound ways.  I had                obedience to write on purpose.  Obedience
          gone through a life threatening family and              yields blessing and success!
          personal  illness, leaving  my  church after
          13 years of service, moving my business,                In 2015, my first work for the Lord, “The
          and  a  relocation,  which  separated  me               Way  Makers  –  Ambassadors  for  Christ,
          from  all  things  familiar  -  all  of  which          Preparing  the  Way  of  the  Lord”  (Xulon
          would  cause  gridlock  for  any  writ-                 Press) was birthed!
          er!    Soon  I  would  discover  the  horrible
          disease that had infiltrated my heart and               Through  the  Write  on  Purpose  Literary
          mind – and my writing.                                  Coaching Program, God has given me the
                                                                  message and gifting to help others called to
          Road to Revelation                                      write to chip away at what is blocking them
          In  2005,  I  decided  to  test  the  Christian         and break through to write on purpose!
          writing waters again. At my first Christian
          writers’   conference in 2002, two publish-
          ers reviewed the introduction and first two
          chapters of my book.   They offered sug-                Has God called you to write?  Is there a book
          gestions, and encouraged me to finish the               in  your  heart?    We  specialize  in  preparing
                                                                  God’s chosen to Write on Purpose!

          Armed  with  positive  reinforcement, I  re-                       Answer the Call!
          visited the project.  After three false starts,                  Register for this 10-week,
          I  felt  too  paralyzed  to  focus.  Extremely              life-changing program TODAY!
          frustrated, I  felt like  others  were  passing
          me by.  Every time I saw a successful au-
          thor with a best-selling book, discourage-                Visit
          ment set in and my project would stall.  I              ministries and SIGN UP to receive details
          could  not  shake  the  compulsion  to  write                  on registration and start dates.
          this  book,  yet  writing  it  was  becoming
          more and more difficult and I did not un-
          derstand  why.    God was  faithful  and  did
          not leave me in the dark for long.                          God has given

          Our  relocation  to  Maryland  in  2004  and               you a message;
          the  grieving  process  that  followed  com-
          pelled me to seek God for answers. After
          weeks  in  prayer,  reading  and  solitude,                      it’s time to
          God revealed the source of my pain: com-
          petitive jealousy, pride and fear. It was ex-
          tremely painful to look at; I repented and                        publish it!
          God’s  healing  love  and  grace  delivered
          me out of my affliction!
                                                                                     Kingdom    News   Magazine   ~ 17
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