Page 13 - Kingdom News Edition 5 Online
P. 13

are  crying  out  for  help.          get  through  their  process           Pray  for  our  children  and
         What happens too often is             so they can fully overcome             let’s  learn  to  listen  –  not
         the one experiencing diffi-           because  if  not,  they  may           only  listen  to  what  they
         culties just puts a smile on          slip  back  into  a  place  of         are saying, but listen with
         their  face  and  keeps  go-          devastation again, and the             our  eyes,  listen  through
         ing,  but that pain is deep           Bible speaks about healing             observation,  listen  with

         within  and  building  and            and deliverance and spirits            your  heart,  listen  with  a
         festering.    Once  it  festers       turn  more  powerful  than             hug and a word of encour-
         to  a  point  of  being  un-          before.                                agement.    Time  is  one  of
         bearable     from     within,                                                the  most  precious  things
         something  snaps  and  the            It hurt my heart to have to            we  have  in  life  and  we
         unthinkable is done – sui-            learn  this  lesson  while             owe  it  to  our  loved  ones
         cide,  suicide  attempts,             sitting  in  a  Celebration  of        to  give  them  our  time  so
                                               Life for such a young man
         murder,  rape,  or  other                                                    we can learn those things
                                               who  had  so  much  poten-
         crimes.                                                                      they are facing and to en-
                                               tial.  Our children see a lot          courage them.  This is ap-
         I  also  want  to  remind             and  in  this  day  and  time          plicable  not  only  to  our
         those that are stepping up            that we are in according to            children,  but  to  all  those

         and helping those in need,            the Bible (the end times),             we love and care for.
         don’t  give  up  too  early.          more  pressures  are  com-
         Giving up on someone too              ing  and  a  way  to  hinder
         early can do just as much             our future is to hinder our
         damage as not listening to            children.
         them at all.  Allow them to

                                                                     Don Don, I thank you for the lesson

                                                                     your life shared.  Your life impacted

                                                                     many and that was so clear at your
                                                                     celebration.  Continue to shine down

                                                                     on  your  loved  ones  and  enjoy  your
                                                                     time with your dad.
                   Johnathan Donnell Hodges

                                 Aka Don Don                                      Rest in Peace
                      October 7, 2002 to July 5, 2017

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