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Can You Hear What Isn’t Being Said?

                                                                            By Erica McGraw

        Life  is  a  precious  gift  from      to think of how we as peo-            books written about learn-
        God.  He created us to live            ple  need  to  listen  better         ing  the  love  language  of

        and  move  in  purpose,  but           so  we  can  reach  those             those  around  you.    Some
        sometimes  hurdles  come               asking  for  help.    Some-           of  the  things  that  will
        and  it  may  seem  like  It’s         times it’s like we don’t ful-         satisfy  your  needs  in  a
        impossible  to  maneuver               ly  understand,  so  we  just         time  of  trouble  may  not
        around or over, so it seems            move on.  I was reminded              be the same thing that will
        as though we are stuck.                of  the  message  by  TD              help  your  child,  your
                                               Jakes titled He-Motions!  It          spouse, your parents, a co
        Recently, I attended a Cele-           is  toward  the  end  of  this        -worker,  a  fellow  church
        bration  of  Life  for  a young        message that Bishop Jakes             member, etc.  We all have
        man, 14 years old who de-              was  speaking  of  a  fish            our  own  way  of  coping
        cided that his presence was            swimming  in  the  water              and  receiving  what  is
        no longer needed here.  He             and  the  thermostat  mal-            needed to move us from a

        hurt  and  yearned  to  be             functioned.  This fish real-          place of despair and hope-
        with his father who passed             ized  his  environment  was           lessness.
        away  when  he  was  four              changing  and  realized  he
        years old.                             needed  help,  but  people            Sometimes we get caught
                                               didn’t  notice  his  cry  for         up  in  our  own  lives  that
        In the process of attending
                                               help; then the next morn-             we can’t hear the cries of
        the  Celebration  of  Life  for
                                               ing,  the  fish  was  found           other or we choose not to
        this young man, I began to
                                               non-responsive.  (Go listen           listen  to  the  cries  of  oth-
        hear the people say things                                                   ers.  We can’t do that, we
        like,  “we  didn’t  know”  or          to  the  message,  TD  Jakes          have  to  learn  as  much
        “he  touched  my  life”  or  “I        does  the  story  much                about  the  people  around
        wish  he  would  have  said            better  then  I,  but  I  hope        us  so  when  we  realize
        something.”    As  I  listened         you  see  the  point  that  is        their  environment  has
                                               being made.)
        to the people talk, I began
                                                                                     changed, we can be there
                                               There  are  also  those               to  assist  them  while  they
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